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ES 240 - Sun Min Jung

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Hi, my name is Sun Min Jung and I am pursuing a Master of Science in Engineering Sciences. Thus I do not belong to a research group, but I am interested in doing research next semester for a 299r. I will be going into industry as a stress engineer, so this course will prepare me to have the necessary background for the job, as well as prepare me for a 299r next semester.

My background is in Mechanical Engineering and I took one introductory course in Mechanics of Solids as an undergraduate student, which could credit to my strength to this course. My undergraduate class was more focused on applying the equations to a given problem with boundary coonditions. So my weakness would be that I am not yet too comfortable deriving the equations as we have been doing, but slowly I am making progress clearing out the confusion. Hopefully by the end of this course I will have a better understanding of the equations and know how and where to apply them.

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