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[Call for abstracts] 3D Printed Soft Materials, ASME IMECE 2016

Stephan Rudykh's picture

Dear Colleagues,

Please be reminded that this year IMECE runs with two abstract submission deadlines.

  • If you plan to submit an abstract for aconference proceeding paper, abstract submission deadline isMarch 7th.
  • If you plan to submit an abstact for apresentation only, submission deadline isJuly 15th.

When you submit your abstract to our session, please chooseTopic 12-51: Mechanics of Soft Materials. Also, at the end of your abstract, please include a simple statement that“This abstract is intended for the 3D Printed Soft Materials.”This will help us easily find your abstract and assign it to our session.A link for abstract submission can be found here:

We look forward to your contribution!

Session Organizers:

Howon Lee, Assistant Professor, Rutgers University

H. Jerry Qi, Associate Professor, Georgia Institute of Technology

Sung Hoon Kang, Assistant Professor, Johns Hopkins University

Yaning Li, Assistant Professor, University of New Hampshire

Stephan Rudykh, Assistant Professor, Technion

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