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Summer school"From Nonlinear Physics to Biology and Medicine" Cargèse, Corsica Date: 9 - 21 July 2012.

davide's picture

I wish to invite students and young researchers to the summer school "From Nonlinear Physics to Biology and Medicine" that will be held in Cargèse, Corsica from the 9th to the 21st of July, 2012.

Iinformation can be found on the web site:

The school has an interdisciplinary character focused on physical and mechanical processes of biological materials, with a particular interest for biomedical applications. The school is addressed to young researchers belonging to different scientific vommunities (physical, mathematical, mechanical, biological) with the aim of enhancing cultural exchanges of modelling tools and methods to study problems dealing with biomedical systems.


  • modelling of tumor growth
  • cell motility and tissue engineering
  • biofilms and biorheology
  • pattern formation and morphogenesis of living systems
  • mechanobiology

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