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Joint Postdoc position at Northeastern and Qatar University - Structural Mechanics and Materials

Amin Ajdari's picture

Joint postdoctoral fellow position at Northeastern University and Qatar University is available immediately, focused on development and analysis of novel materials and structures for protection of critical structures and components under extreme loading.

The research will be carried out at High Performance Materials and Structures Laboratory at Northeastern ( and the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Qatar University. The candidate is expected to spend 8-10 months in Qatar and 2-4 months at Northeastern. The salary range for the potential candidate is 50-60k, depending on experience, and includes free housing and very attractive package.

A PhD in mechanical engineering or materials science, and in particular experience with computational mechanics and finite element methods, is required. Good written and verbal communication skills and organizational talents are expected. Please send a CV, a brief summary of research interests and skills, three representative publications, and the names, affiliations, phone numbers, and email addresses of three references to Ashkan Vaziri ( Evaluation of candidates will begin immediately and will continue until the opening is filled.

This position is available immediately. For any questions, please contact Prof. Ashkan Vaziri.

Contact information:

Prof. Ashkan Vaziri, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, Northeastern University

Director, High Performance Materials and Structures Laboratory, Northeastern University

Associate of the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Harvard University

Office number: 617-373-3474

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