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software of interest to mechanicians

Finite Difference Method Boundary conditions at corner

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I am implementing finite difference scheme for the simple 2D Laplace
equation. I am facing problem in imposing boundary conditions in 9-point
stencil. What boundary conditions should I give at the vertex i.e. at
the corner where two boundaries intersect.

e.g.- For square plate what should be boundary condition at four vertices?

What should be the boundary condition at vertices in Dirichlet problem?either homogeneous or non-homogeneous?

Please help in this regard.

how to apply traction vectors on each node of the model?

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Dear All,

How to export NODAL DISPLACEMENT in a UAMP subroutine in ABAQUS?

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I am a new user in ABAQUS. I want to do an analysis on a cantilever beam, where force applied to the beam deforms it, and depending on its deformation thedirection of the force changes.

In order to calculate the change in direction of the force I needDISPLACEMENT INFORMATION at two different set of nodeswhere forces are being applied. I am planning to use UAMP for

Abaqus time submission

Hi all!

I would like to submit a job at a defined time. I know we can do that on the CAE, but I prefere to use command lin, and my current model can't run on CAE. I checked on the help but I don't find how to submit an Abaqus job at a predefined time or to postpone a job of few minutes/hours, from command line.

Can you help me?



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Abaqus 6.13 - Live Webinar July 23

Abaqus 6.13 - Live Webinar! July 23, 9am EDT and 12 pm EDT.The latest release, Abaqus 6.13 delivers a number of powerful, customer-requested enhancements for modeling, meshing, visualization, contact, mechanics, and performance. These improvements enable customers to reduce development time and costs, while increasing the efficiency of the product development process through highly accurate simulations of real-world product and material behavior.


Finite Element software Z-set : new web page

New web page of Finite Element Analysis software Z-set is now open:
What is Z-set

Z-set is a computational code devoted to the analysis of material and
structure behavior, involving a finite element solver and a collection
of specific tools for material parameter calibration, preprocessing and
postprocessing computations. Z-set is the result of 30 years of close collaboration between the

Crack Propagation in MSC PATRAN


How should i model crack propagation in MSC PATRAN with VCCT Modoule? is there any manual about that's picture

Rotor dynamics

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Dear all,

I am working on dynmaics and vibrational analysis of rotary equipments such as centrifugal pumps, Compressors and ...

I want to design and theninvestigate the stability of the rotary shafts,modal analysis,...

please guide me which of these softwares are better for this job (Ansys, Abaqus, Adams or Msc.Patran) ?

Sincerely Yours,

Ph.D Candidate

Dispersion curve for Lamb waves using Abaqus

Dear all

I am trying to plot the dispersion curbve for wave propagation in an ALuminum beam under S0 and A0 lambwave. My simulation has completed and I thin the results are reasonable as long as visualization is concerned.

I am trying to plot dispersion curve for these two waves using Abaqus outputs. As far as I know I need to use Abaqus outputs such as displacement or velocity for calculation of wave speed.

1- How would I calculate wave speed by Abaqus outputs and is this calculated wave speed the phase velocity or group velocity ?

selecting suface nodes in orphan mesh by python script????

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I have a 3D orphan mesh in abaqus and I need to select a group of nodes that belong to the orphan mesh and that would have been on a 3D surface of the parent solid before it was orphaned.

I know how to do this in Abaqus/CAE, but I don't konw how to realize it using python scripts. If there is a method, just like using "findAt()" to select a surface by coordinates , to select all the nodes on a outer surface of the orphan mesh and to select all orphan elements?

Any tips on selecting exterior nodes on one side of an orphan mesh ??

Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamic (SPH) in ABAQUS

I've got problems using SPH (smoothed particle hydrodynamic), Is SPH
analysis in ABAQUS coupled with heat transfer analysis??? I'm trying to
simulate Friction Stir Welding (FSW) with SPH Method, I need to predict
temperature history during welding! Is there any software to do

ali.asgari.tabari's picture

how to edit/correction mesh (in ansys workbench)?


i want to analysis a model in anasys workbench with modal analysis.but i Encountered to problem.Bad mesh generation (as you see in the below figure) happened that i don know how to solve it,could anyone help me ?


Difining Interior Surfaces in Abaqus


Is that possible to define an INTERIOR surface in Abaqus???

Cutting process simulation in Abaqus

Hello ,

I am working on a project using abaqus to
simulate miling process. As the first stage, I have to be able to simulate cutting process in Abaqus. I have looked up Abacus 6.11 documentaion a lot but did not find too much of usefull information. Could any one kindly give some hints how to develop such model or introduce me some usefull complete resources?



material model for glass machining

Hello every body

I am working on the simulation of micromachining of “glass” in abaqus.
Although the glass is brittle, it shows some plasticity in micromachining
because of the high hydrostatic pressure field present in the machining region.
Now I am looking for an appropriate material model for glass with
elasto-plastic behavior which allows element deletion. I am not sure if "johnson-Holmquist damage model" is suitable for machining simualtion or not? I would be very thankful
if anyone would please help me.


Hi Everyone

I just started using ABAQUS. I was trying to plot a graph for stress vs
strain for a simple problem, plate with a hole. I could use some help
here. Really appreciate it if anyone could help me with the steps.


Anisotropic plasticity and hyperelasticity in Abaqus

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我试图模型聚合物的过程ssed in such a way that it has oriented (orthotropic) material properties and undergoes very high strains (>100%) before break.

ABAQUS physical memory problem.

Hi everyone.

I met a problem in ABAQUS. When I try to solve the same problem with implicit method and explicit method, theoretically, the explcit method requires less memory than implicit method, but for the same mesh density, I can not solve it with explicit method for the not enough physical memory problem, while the implicit method is able to solve it. And for the explicit method, how to edit the memory? How to explain this phenomenon?


How to recover eigenvector components for specified displacements ?

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I have a problem visualising specified displacements from a modal/buckling analysis.

当解决代数方程组[K]{u}={f} resulting from FEA discretization, the vector {u} does not have components for the specified displacements, zero or not zero, because the corresponding degrees of freedon (dof) have been eliminated. To visualize all the displacements, even the ones that are specified, we recover them from the input data to create a longer vector {u|u*} where {u} are the active dof and {u*} are the specified dof, zero or not zero.

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Upload Your Tutorial for a Chance to Win a 3Dconnexion Space Navigator Mouse!

5 Minutes, 100 Mb, but only THREE will win...

If you
have ever created a useful tutorial or if you have ever had a great idea for a
tutorial, but you’ve never had the time to create it - thennow is your chance to share your
ideas with other SIMULIA users
! Beginning in May and ending in June
we will be accepting submissions of tech-tip tutorials. The winners will be
announced in August and will receive a 3Dconnexion Space Navigation Mouse.

Abaqus verification

Hello everyone
I have a question about Abaqus verification for a Mooney-Rivlin
hyperelastic material example which exist in ABAQUS Documentation/Abaqus
Verification Manual/2.2.1 Elastic materials/VIII. Hyperelasticity with
Mooney-Rivlin strain energy function. In the example for a Test data
input-uni axial tension the company Defined a stress-strain curve as
input for material property(Nominal stress-Nominal strain). But when I
plot these parameters(Stress -nominal strain) as output of the software

how to compute cavitation effect by ABAQUS

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i need to simulate the "bulk" and "local" cavitation region around a structure in fluid subjected to underwater explosion.

maybe i need to calculate the negative pressure regions. but how?!

how can i define the condition and compute that cavitation effects by ABAQUS?

i appreciate your help



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