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a. gaur's blog

how to model a 3-D crack in ansys

i want to create a crack in a cantilever beam, but i m new in this field. please tell me how to model a crack in beam when beam is meshed using 1) beam elements 2) solid elements?

please refer any good tutorials in this field.

transient analysis full method of ball bearing

i have to do transient analysis of ball beraing. but i could not get an appropiate tutorial to perform transient analysis using full method or mode superposition method since i cannot apply reduced method. please guide me how to apply the load step and what options to use.

BTOL command

i m facing problem in multiphysics while glue two volumes. the error says that ' Boolean operation failed , try adjusting BTOL to some fraction of the minimum keypoint distance. model size (current problem) 1.908711e+002, current BTOL setting 1.0e-2, minimum KPT distance 4.334169e-006'. please tell me what BTOL should i set to glue the two volumes. what is the trick of setting the BTOL.

writing input file in ansys workbench

i m doing a project on vibrational analysis of ball bearing. i have made model in ansys workbench design modeler. now i want to do the analysis in ansys multiphysics. so i opened the model in simulation window of ansys workbench and meshed the model. then i clicked on the solution tab in environment and then written the ansys input file. i have not applied the forces and boundary conditions in workbench because the force is point load . i want to apply that in ansys multiphysics. but when i open the input file in multiphysics, the option for apply load is not avalaible there.

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