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quasi static loading

What is quasi static loading?

what is different between quasi static load, static load and dyanamic load ?

what is stress distribution for above loading?


arash_yavari's picture

A static load is time independent. A dynamic load is time dependent and for which inertial effects cannot be ignored. A quasi-static load is time dependent but is "slow" enough such that inertial effects can be ignored. Note that a load quasi-static for a given structure (made of some material) may not be quasi-static for another structure (made of a different material)


dalim49's picture


Is there any strain range which represents the quasi-static loading?

I found in one of ASTM guidelines, loading rate should be slected so that the stress rate is in the range of 690 +- 45 kPa/min. Does this 690 kPa have connection with the quasi-static loading criteria?


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