iMechanica - electric vehicle // en Rubber In Engineering Group - 3 July 2020 https://万博manbetx平台

If you are interested in elastomers and electric vehicles, check out this link to RIEG webinar on Elastomer use in Electric Vehicles. There were 4 talks covering elastomer requirements for EVs, mounting system design for EVs, use of carbon black in EV applications, and EV mount integrity digital twin. Enjoy!

Fri, 14 Aug 2020 01:49:46 +0000 wvmars 24515 at // https://万博manbetx平台 //
Postdoctoral Position Opening in Solid Mechanics at Columbia University //

A postdoctoral research scientist position is available immediately in the Department of Earth and Environmental Engineering at Columbia University. This position is renewable (up to three years) depending on performance. The main responsibility of the project, sponsored by ARPA-E, is to perform computer simulations of crashworthiness of electric vehicles using finite element method. It also involves multiscale modeling of a new type of impact resistant lithium-ion battery, as well as structural design and optimization.

Applicants should have a strong background in computational solid mechanics and be familiar with major commercial finite element software. Experience of modeling/simulation of impact and/or crashworthiness is desired. Knowledge of automotive engineering and relevant safety standards is a plus. To apply, please email a CV, list of representative publications, three names of references, and earliest start date to Professor Xi Chen, .

Wed, 02 Oct 2013 00:11:28 +0000 Xi Chen 15413 at // // //