iMechanica - biological // en MIT Multiscale Materials Design Course 2015 / June 22-26, 2015 // < div class = "字段field-name-taxonomy-vocabulary-6field-type-taxonomy-term-reference field-label-hidden">

Spend a week at MIT and earn a certificate, a great opportunity for postdocs and graduate students. Limited number of fellowships available.

June 22-26, 2015


The demand for high-performance materials with superior properties, flexibility, and resilience calls for a new design paradigm from the molecular scale upwards. This course covers the science, technology, and state-of-the-art in atomistic, molecular, and multiscale modeling and experiment, applied to describe how mechanical properties of materials can be improved. Through lectures and hands-on labs, participants will learn how materials failure, studied from a first principles perspective, can be applied in an effective “learning-from-failure approach” to design and make novel materials. Participants will also learn how superior material properties in nature and biology can be mimicked in bioinspired materials for applications in new technology.

New this year, we have expanded the lab sessions to three afternoons and introduced more interactive elements, as well as additional work with a new 3-D printing lab that we have just set up at MIT.

The course focuses on practical problem-solving computational tools paired with a detailed discussion of experimental techniques to probe the ultimate structure of materials, emphasizing tools to predict key mechanical properties. In hands-on labs, participants will use state-of-the-art additive manufacturing to synthesize optimized material samples via a direct route from computer to 3-D printer. Specific case studies of molecular mechanics, bio-inspired composites, and dynamic fracture of composites and polymers will be presented and carried out by participants in computational labs. Simulation codes, algorithms, and details of the implementations of different simulation technologies, including validation, will be presented, including practical issues such as supercomputing (hardware and software), parallelization, Graphics Processing Computing (GPU), and others. A specific focus is on structural polymers and composites, including innovative material platforms such as carbon nanotubes, graphene, and protein materials for bio-inspired materials.

Additional information, see the attached PDF and

PDF icon Materials By Design_2015.pdf148.78 KB
Sun, 03 May 2015 10:13:41 +0000 Markus J. Buehler 18259 at // // //
ICMOBT 2011 (M的第四次国际大会上echanics of Biomaterials and Tissues) - Not long to go // < div class = "字段field-name-taxonomy-vocabulary-6field-type-taxonomy-term-reference field-label-hidden">

Not too late to register for ICMOBT 2011, Hawai'i, 11-15 December 2011. To view the full oral and poster programs or to register, go to

Tue, 06 Dec 2011 09:58:57 +0000 Laure Ballu 11522 at // // //
4th International Conference on the Mechanics of Biomaterials and Tissues - Program available // < div class = "字段field-name-taxonomy-vocabulary-6field-type-taxonomy-term-reference field-label-hidden">

The 4th International Conference on the Mechanics of Biomaterials and Tissues, will take place in Hawai'i, USA, from 11-15 December 2011.

The oral and poster programs are available to download from the website

To register, go

Thu, 10 Nov 2011 10:36:55 +0000 Laure Ballu 11387 at // // //
Viscoelastic nanoindentation in biological systems // < div class = "字段field-name-taxonomy-vocabulary-6field-type-taxonomy-term-reference field-label-hidden">

The review paper, "Viscoelastic effects in small-scale indentation of biological materials" has been published in International Journal of Surface Science and Engineering 2007 - Vol. 1, No.2/3 pp. 180 - 197 . This work presents both a review of analytical (linear) viscoelasticity in the context of contact-probe mechanical characterization and summarizes the available literature on application of these techniques to measurements of biological material creep and relaxation responses.

Abstract:Modern developments in instrumentation and analysis have vastly increased the popularity of instrumented indentation and nanoindentation techniques for mechanical characterisation of materials. However, these techniques have been developed primarily for materials exhibiting time-independent mechanical behaviour and therefore have had limited applicability in the mechanical analysis of time-dependent biological tissues. Following a brief introduction on elastic and elastic-plastic indentation, the current paper reviews the existing analytical machinery available for indentation analysis of viscoelastic materials (as developed in the context of polymeric materials). Recent works are reviewed in which the application of viscoelastic indentation techniques is extended to small-scale testing of biological tissues.

Tue, 23 Oct 2007 15:49:02 +0000 MichelleLOyen 2169 at // // //
Biomechanics Calls for Papers: Materials Research Society - Fall 2007 Meeting // < div class = "字段field-name-taxonomy-vocabulary-6field-type-taxonomy-term-reference field-label-hidden">

(cross-post to Biomch-L )

Two symposia solicit papers on biomechanics topics for the upcoming Materials Research Society meeting, November 26-30, 2007, Boston, MA. Short-form abstracts are due 20 June, 2007.

Symposium AA, Fundamentals of Nanoindentation and Nanotribology IV, solicits papers on the subject of nanomechanical characterization of biological materials including biomolecules, cells and tissues. Further details can be found here .

Symposium OO, Solids at the Biological Interface, solicits papers on the subject of mechanical and/or material characterization of biological materials and engineered materials in biological systems. Further details can be found here .

A joint session is anticipated between these two symposia with an emphasis on nanomechanics of biological interfaces.

Graduate students who are interested in assisting in the symposium sessions during the 2007 MRS Fall Meeting are encouraged to apply for a Symposium Assistant position here . By assisting in a minimum of four half-day sessions, students will receive a complimentary student registration, a one-year MRS student membership commencing January 1, 2008, and a stipend to help defray expenses.

For further information:

MRS 2007 Fall Meeting Website

Symposium AA, Fundamentals of Nanoindentation and Nanotribology IV
Symposium organizer contact: Michelle L. Oyen

Symposium OO, Solids at the Biological Interface
Symposium organizer contact: Virginia L. Ferguson

Wed, 06 Jun 2007 17:51:50 +0000 MichelleLOyen 1522 at // // https://万博manbetx平台