iMechanica - element // en Abaqus element surface. // < div class = "字段field-name-body field-type-text -with-summary field-label-hidden">

Dear all,

I'm using abaqus to build a spherical model, which applies C3D8 linear brick element. I output the connectivities of one element on the surface and the corresponding coordinates.

For a linear brick element, the four nodes A,B,C and D on the same surface should lie on the same plane. However, I got two different normals which are from A,B,C as well as A,B,D.

Is it reasonable or do I misunderstand something?


Mon, 15 May 2017 20:20:11 +0000 Rilin Shen 21239 at // // //
crack propagation in Abaqus (VCCT) with remeshing // < div class = "字段field-name-body field-type-text -with-summary field-label-hidden">

I started using VCCT with quarter tip elements in Abaqus (not XFEM). I can solve the problem and get the SIFs.
How can I let the crack grow? Has someone a script for crack growth and remeshing that I can implement?

Thu, 23 Jun 2016 08:06:55 +0000 havelmay 20029 at // https://万博manbetx平台 //
Announcing the 2nd Sandia Fracture Challenge [click for more info] // < div class = "字段field-name-taxonomy-vocabulary-6field-type-taxonomy-term-reference field-label-hidden">

UPDATE: The 2nd Sandia Fracture Challenge is now LIVE! See attached information packet.

The next Sandia Fracture Challenge is right around the corner - expected release date May 30, 2014! In 2012, we issued the 1st Sandia Fracture Challenge to the computational solid mechanics community. 51 participants self-assembled into 14 teams representing 23 different institutions to predict the mechanical deformation and ductile tearing of a novel geometry under quasi-static loading. Their blind predictions were compared against experiments only after they had reported their predictions, precluding the possibility to ‘tune' the predictions. The predictions and their comparison to experimental outcomes culminated in an invited ASME symposium, a Sandia-funded workshop, and ultimately a Special Issue of the International Journal of Fracture (vol. 186, published online January 2014). The Special Issue included a lead article (hyperlinks below) summarizing the outcome of the challenge with co-authorship from all the participants, and in addition several teams chose to publish their own detailed peer-reviewed full-length article.

This next challenge will build off of the experiences from the past challenge to explore deformation and failure of a moderate-ductility commercially-available structural alloy at quasistatic and intermediate strain rates ~1/s. The challenge will provide material property data, details of the geometry/boundary conditions for the unknown ‘toy' problem. This is a great opportunity to engage the broader solid mechanics community in an evaluation of different approaches to solving problems in deformation and failure of structural materials. We expect to release this challenge, posted on imechanica and e-mailed to pre-registered participants on May 30, 2014, with an expected ‘due' date of September 1st (3 months). If you would like to pre-register, please e-mail Brad Boyce at . This will help ensure that you are kept abreast of the challenge, and it does not obligate you to participate. Please pass this invitation along to any other computational mechanicians who may be interested in participating.

Hyperlink to the Lead Article:
Hyperlink to the entire Special Issue:

Fri, 16 May 2014 15:35:28 +0000 blboyce 16609 at // // //
Beam elements in Abaqus // < div class = "字段field-name-taxonomy-vocabulary-8field-type-taxonomy-term-reference field-label-hidden">

Hi every body,

I'm tring to make a beam by using beam elements in Abaqus like this:




The upper half and lower half of beam have diferrent material properties. Due to some restrictions, I can't model it as a composite beam so, I have to make a beam for upper half and another one for lower half and assemble them together somehow to work whole as a beam with two material properties.

Would you please let me know how can I do that?

Thanks in advance.

Thu, 01 May 2014 16:35:12 +0000 ashkan khalili 16529 at // // //
Failed element removal // < div class = "字段field-name-body field-type-text -with-summary field-label-hidden">

Dear All,

can any one help me with an idea how to remove fail element using abaqus


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Mon, 28 Apr 2014 20:41:04 +0000 Assafwi 16498 at // // //
How to used elements in ANSYS Classic // < div class = "字段field-name-taxonomy-vocabulary-8field-type-taxonomy-term-reference field-label-hidden">

Hello to everybody,

Can somebody help me with advice in the next problem : I want to study an dynamic movement of some beams, with rigid body option from ANSYS Classic. I encountered the problem when I want to choose the element type for cilynder. I choose LINK11. But I need to simulate what is happend between the moment when is applied the force on cilynder and imposed lenght of ciclynder after pool.

How I can settup the properties of element LINK11 to satisfy my results.

If somebody have other suggestion, or ideas, I waiting your answer much quick is possible.

Thank's in advance for support.

Best regards

Fri, 04 Dec 2009 08:11:16 +0000 ingcartun 7200 at // // //
Aide Needed in crack propagation with ANSYS // < div class = "字段field-name-taxonomy-vocabulary-8field-type-taxonomy-term-reference field-label-hidden">

Hello,I'm a student in engineering. I wannto do simulation of the process of a cracked plate which is subjected to tensile stress at the each end of the plate and perpendicular to the crack plane. with ansys .( crack type I )

i've read some the the posts here, some people give solution by creating cohesive elements in the symmetry line , so once the failure criterion is satisfied, the crack will propagate . however it's propagating along the preset path-- the symmetry line. but i'm so interested in how to predict the path, which means wherever failure criterion is satisfied , elements began to separate,this process goes on and on until the plate is torn apart. in this way i can simulate the crack propagation step by step .

I've thought about that first mesh the plate ,then separate all elements ,after add cohesive elements between every elements . Is this correct? And someone knows how to realize it ? if my idea is not correct , please tell me why and your suggesion .

Thanks alot!


Fri, 21 Nov 2008 04:43:36 +0000 salutsun 4346 at // // //