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Haythornthwaite Foundation/Applied Mechanics Division - 2013 Student Travel Awards
The ASME Applied Mechanics Division Executive Committee continues to seek ways to involve and encourage younger members and particularly graduate students in the activities of the AMD Division. Through the generous annual support of The Robert M. and Mary Haythornthwaite Foundation 10 travel grants were awarded in 2013. These travel grants are offered to U.S. graduate students currently enrolled at U.S. universities or colleges presenting a paper in any field of applied mechanics. The winners were:

Sahab Babaee: Harvard University, School of Engineering & Applied Sciences –
Exploiting instabilities to design 3D soft metamaterials

Qiming Wang: Duke University, Department of Mechanical Engineering & Materials Sciences –
Instabilities in compressed film-substrate systems: wrinkling, creasing, delaminated buckling and advanced modes

Xin Yan: University of Houston, Department of Mechanical Engineering –
Atomistic characterization of Li-Si alloys at experimental strain rates

Changjin Huang: Pennsylvania State University, Department of Engineering Science & Mechanics –
Physical environment regulates cellular uptake of nanoparticles

Huanyu Cheng: Northwestern University, Department of Mechanical Engineering –
Edible electronics: It tastes like chicken

Yonghao An: Arizona State Univ., School for Engineering of Matter, Transport and Energy –
Finite element simulation on the unterface reaction controlled anisotropy in silicon anode for lithium ion batteries

Taha Goudarzi: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering - Numerical modeling of the nonlinear elastic response of filled elastomers via composite-sphere assemblages

Shutao Qiao: University of Texas at Austin, Department of Aerospace Engineering & Engineering Mechanics -
Mechanics of flexible glass photonics

Kai Yu: University of Colorado at Boulder, Department of Mechanical Engineering -
Polymers predicting shape fixity and recovery of memory

Shixuan Yang: University of Texas at Austin, Department of Aerospace Engineering & Engineering Mechanics - Stretchability of polymer-supported ITO serpentine thin

Additional information about the Foundation can be found at:

Larry Bergman, Chair

AMD, Executive Committee

坐,2014年2月0123:27:32 +0000 Executive Committee of the Applied Mechanics Division 16013 at // // //
Applied Mechanics Division of ASME- 2014 Thomas J.R. Hughes Young Investigator Awards https://万博manbetx平台 < div class = "字段field-name-taxonomy-vocabulary-8field-type-taxonomy-term-reference field-label-hidden">

2014 Thomas J.R. Hughes Young Investigator Award - Professor Katia Bertoldi
The Executive Committee of the ASME Applied Mechanics Division is pleased to announce and congratulate Professor Professor Katia Bertoldi, Associate Professor, School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Harvard University, is the recipient of the 2014 Thomas J. R. Hughes Young Investigator Award.

The Young Investigator Award was established in 1998 and renamed the Thomas J.R. Hughes Young Investigator Award in 2008. The Award recognizes special achievements in Applied Mechanics for researchers under the age of 40.

Katia received this award for her significant contributions to the theory and simulation of the mechanics of soft materials. In particular, she uses large deformation and instabilities to drastically change the properties of soft materials in response to external stimuli such as applied forces and electric fields. Possible applications include acoustic switches, robots capable of changing shape based on the terrain, and waveguides that are switchable between negative and positive refractive indices.

The award, which includes a medal, a plaque, and an honorarium of $1,500, will be presented at the AMD Honors and Awards Banquet, during the ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, to be held in Montreal, Quebec, November 14-20, 2014.

Larry Bergman, Chair
AMD Executive Committee

2014 Thomas J.R. Hughes Young Investigator Award - Professor Ryan Scott Elliott
The Executive Committee of the ASME Applied Mechanics Division is pleased to announce and congratulate Professor Ryan Scott Elliott, Associate Professor & Russell J. Penrose Faculty Fellow, University of Minnesota, is the second recipient of the 2014 Thomas J. R. Hughes Young Investigator Award.

The Young Investigator Award was established in 1998 and renamed the Thomas J.R. Hughes Young Investigator Award in 2008. The Award recognizes special achievements in Applied Mechanics for researchers under the age of 40.

Ryan received this award for pioneering work in the area of atomistic simulations of shape memory alloys using modern bifurcation theory and stability to quantify the thermally and stress-induced martensitic transformations in shape memory alloys.

The award, which includes a medal, a plaque, and an honorarium of $1,500, will be presented at the AMD Honors and Awards Banquet, during the ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, to be held in Montreal, Quebec, November 14-20, 2014.

Larry Bergman, Chair
AMD Executive Committee

坐,2014年2月0123:10:24 +0000 Executive Committee of the Applied Mechanics Division 16012 at // https://万博manbetx平台 //