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Crack Propagation in RC Beam

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I am a newbie in ABAQUS. Can someone tell me how do I see crack propogation in a RC beam?


how to do a crack propagation analysis?

can abaqus be used for doing crack propagation analysis for plates with multiple cracks?

pictures and data of crack propagation experiment or example


I am looking for some data/pictures of crack propagation tests. More precisely, what I am looking for are test results of some 2D structure (or structures that can be modeled in 2D) where the experimenter has listed the geometry, material, loads and boundary conditions, and displayed photos of the crack that was observed propagating on loading the structure. Sort of like "heres a plate of dimensions a x b, made of material x, with an initial crack here, I now apply a load of magnitude M, and heres a picture of the crack that has propagated."

Post crack behaviour in ANSYS for concrete beam-column connection.

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Have a prob in Analysing FEM discrete model of Beam column connection [both monolithic and precast] for crack behaviour indisplacement controlled cyclic loading program.

Tried with various values of closed and open crack and co-efficient.

applied -1 for crack and changed even the keypoint

in stiffness multiplier also 0.6 also set keypoint 7 to "1" instead of default value "0"

But even by all these the analysis runs only for 0.3mm of deflection..

saberelarem's picture

Shearing effects on the breathing mechanism of a cracked beam section in bi-axial flexure

The main purpose of this paper is to complete the works presented by
Andrieux and Varé (2002) and El Arem et al. (2003) by taking into
账户the effects of shearing in the constitutive equations of a beam
cracked section in bi-axial flexure. The paper describes the derivation
of a lumped cracked beam model from the three-dimensional formulation of
the general problem of elasticity with unilateral contact conditions on
the crack lips. Properties of the potential energy and convex analysis
are used to reduce the three-dimensional computations needed for the
model identification, and to derive the final form of the elastic energy
这不同nes the nonlinear constitutive equations of the cracked

Robin Selinger's picture

APS March Meeting Focus session: "Fracture, Friction, and Deformation Across Length Scales"

Abstracts due Friday, Nov. 19, 2010

APS March Meeting Focus session: "Tribophysics: Friction, Fracture and Deformation Across Length Scales"

March 21 - 25, 2011, Dallas, Texas
Details at

Invited speakers: Michael Marder (Univ. of Texas); Julia Greer (Caltech)

Organizers: Robin Selinger (Kent State), Jacqueline Krim (NCSU), Noam Bernstein (NRL)

phunguyen's picture

Crack penetration in cohesive zone models

Hi all,

I am conducting some cohesive crack simulations within the framework of XFEM. The cohesive model is an initially rigid traction-separation law for mode I. In order to deal with negative values of the normal sepration/jump, I use a penalty stiffness K.

how to model a 3-D crack in ansys

i want to create a crack in a cantilever beam, but i m new in this field. please tell me how to model a crack in beam when beam is meshed using 1) beam elements 2) solid elements?

please refer any good tutorials in this field.

L. Roy Xu's picture


crack kink

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L. Roy Xu's picture

mixed-mode crack of paper

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Multiple cracks in ansys

One way of modelling multiple cracks in Ansys.

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Modeling Short-Beam Shear in Abaqus

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Hi All,

Non-linear energy release rate (JI,JII,JIII)

Hi all,

I am currently working on mooney-rivlin materials. I wonder if someone have tried to compute GI, GII and GIII with the EDI because I don't understand how to compute WIII with mooney-rivlin.

Thanks a lot

Joachim Guilie

help for determination of crack initiation location with analytical methods

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There are three elliptical holes in the given plate, but make different angle with the direction of stress applied on the plate. I wonder if I can gain the solution listed below using analytical methods?(1) crack initiation will happen in which ellipse firstly, (2)the exaxt crack initiation location around the ellipse? And how?

thanks a lot!

Nicolas Cordero's picture

Open PhD position at Mines ParisTech, Centre des Matériaux, Paris, France


Simulation of crack bifurcation in single crystal nickel base superalloys under mixed mode conditions

博士的位置Centre des Matériaux,ParisTech, starting fall 2009.

This 3-year project is fully funded by Mines ParisTech, SNECMA and ONERA.

More details are given in the attached file.

Julien Jonvaux's picture

Stress intensity factors for a slanted crack under compression

Hello everyone,

这是我的问题:我对geome建模try of a simple straight edge crack in a 2D elastic medium using Abaqus. I assume plain stress conditions. The crack makes an angle with the horizontal, is small enough to be considered as embedded in an infinite domain (ratio crack length/size of domain < 1/10) and I apply a vertical compressive load on top of my domain. I fixed one point in displacement at the bottom of it and the whole bottom edge is constrained not to move vertically.

GI GII GIII computation in Rubber composites like tires (Comparaison between methods)

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2009-04-24 17:16:02

Hi all,

I am currently in my second year in Engineering school in France. I am doing research on 3D crack propagation in Rubber composites like tires.

And I wonder what is the best method to compute GI, GII and GIII. I have difficulties to choose between methods like EDI and VCCT for example.

I work in the finite strains case with static and dynamic. I also have difficulties to find papers on this subject with comparisons.

Can anyone please help me out with that

Thank You

Best Regards

3D crack modeling using CTMOPT macro in ANSYS

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Hello everyone,

I need to create a semi-elliptical surface crack in a cylinder using ANSYS. CTMOPT macro allows modeling and meshing of this type of crack, but I am struggling to get this. If anyone knows detailed information regarding this, kindly let me know.

Thanking you,

Ashish Joshi

Crack propagation & crack length?


Hi all, I am new here and I have a question. I have this hydroxyapatite material which is 60% porous and it is very brittle. I got the material cut already and i was wondering when using SEM, is it possible to use the SEM to measure the crack length? I am just wondering as to what the use of SEM is besides studying the pore size and to see if any cracks appear before and after cutting the material. Is it still possible to find the crack propagation even though loading tests were not carried out on the material? Can you suggest any reading materials on crack length n propagation? Thank

Aide Needed in crack propagation with ANSYS

Hello,I'm a student in engineering. I wannto do simulation of the process of a cracked plate which is subjected to tensile stress at the each end of the plate and perpendicular to the crack plane. with ansys .( crack type I )

crack intiation and propagation while operates at some frequency (evaluate stress concentration)

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stress concentration at the crack initiation location while operates at 120Hz to do using abaqus software tool.Is there any one previously worked in this area.kindly assist me to resolve this problem.


The physics associated with self-affine crack formation and propagation is discussed. Some novel concepts are suggested for the mechanics of self-affine cracks. These concepts are employed to model the crack face morphology and, in turn, to solve various problems with self-affine cracks. It is shown that linear elastic fracture mechanics (LEFM) is a special case of self-affine crack mechanics and should be used only in length scales larger than the self-alfine correlation length. The theoretical results are confirmed by available experimental data.


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