iMechanica - stuttgart https: // en Workshop: Virtual Orthopedics – Digital Solutions to New Implants and Prostheses https: //

Date / Time: Tuesday, July 3, 2018 / 9:00 am - 1:00 pm (optional hands-on until 3:30 pm)

Location: Dassault Systemes Stuttgart, Germany

Fee: Free-to-attend. Pre-registration is required as places are limited

From scans to personalized 3D models, using simulation to reduce physical prototyping leading to faster certification. Dassault Systèmes (SIMULIA) and Synopsys (Simpleware) showcase possibilities to bring personalized and innovative medical products to the market faster.

We showcase the advantages of patient specific virtual development for faster product development and certification.

Attend for free

Wed, 20 Jun 2018 15:36:19 +0000 Simpleware 22445年https://ime万博manbetx平台 https: // https: //
European computational mechanics degrees https: //

I'm looking for a good quality master's degree in computational mechanics. I currently live in Australia, and would prefer to study in Europe (must be an English based program as well). I have undergradaute degrees in mechanical engineering and computer science.

Two main degrees that stick out for me are the ones at the University of Stuttgart, and the Technical University of Munich.

Any comments on the content and teaching quality of the two degrees? Is it true that TUM has a heavy structural focus, while Stuttgart is more balanced? Any other degrees I should be looking at?

Sat, 12 Jan 2013 11:57:22 +0000 mohamedmoussa 14007 at // https: // https: //