iMechanica - *.inp files // en 我怎么数Keyword Blocks in the Abaqus input file? https://万博manbetx平台

The Abaqus documentation, available here:

states the following:

Certain keywords must be used in conjunction with other keywords; forexample, the *ELASTIC and *DENSITY keywords must be used in conjunction with the *MATERIAL keyword. These related keywords must be grouped in a block in the input file; unrelated keywords cannot be specified within this block.

But, on an existing .inp file, how do I recognize the blocks?

I need to count them to use that number as input to the KeywordBlock object in CAE so that CAE will insert a KeywordBlock into the .inp file at the appropriate place (the appropriate place I know, but not its number).

Information about the KeywordBlock object is found here:

where they state:

Required Arguments. Position. An "Int" specifying the "position" of the keyword block after which the new block should be inserted.

So you see, I need to provide that number (the position), but just looking at the .inp file, I do not know how to recognize the blocks and thus I am unable to "count" them.

I have attached and input file (please change the extension to .inp).

I need to find the number of the *Buckle BLOCK (line 173). Thank you!

Fri, 01 Nov 2019 14:48:21 +0000 ebarbero 23724 at // https://万博manbetx平台 //