iMechanica - DNA // en ICMoBT 2013 - Call for Papers - Deadline 31 May 2013 // < div class = "字段field-name-taxonomy-vocabulary-6field-type-taxonomy-term-reference field-label-hidden">

5th International Conference on Mechanics of Biomaterials and Tissues (ICMoBT 2013) - Sitges, Spain 8-12 December 2013. To submit your papers, go to

Topics include:
-Hard tissues and materials (e.g. bone, teeth, mineralized biomaterials such as armors)
-Soft tissues and materials (e.g. cartilage, tendon, silk, elastin, organs)
-Natural, biologically inspired and biomimetic materials (including biomimicking materials)
-Metals and ceramics as biomaterials
-Mechanobiology (development, physiology and disease)
-Regenerative medicine and tissue engineering
-Multiscale modelling and simulation of tissue mechanical properties (e.g. ab initio approaches, molecular dynamics, coarse-graining, finite element modeling, fluid-structure interactions)
-Multiscale experimental characterization of tissue mechanical properties (e.g. AFM, TEM, nanoindentation, optical tweezers, x-ray diffraction, in situ methods)
-Hierarchical polymer materials and composites (e.g. dental ceramics and fibre-reinforced composites)
-Self-assembly of biological and biomaterials (e.g. peptides, DNA, polymers, nanoparticles, hierarchical structures)
-Tribology, friction and wear as well as fatigue
-Materials failure in physiologically extreme conditions and disease (e.g. infectious disease, cancer, cardiovascular disease)

Mon, 20 May 2013 13:23:18 +0000 Laure Ballu 14726 at // // https://万博manbetx平台
Postdoc opportunity at KAUST in the mechanics of DNA replication // < div class = "字段field-name-taxonomy-vocabulary-6field-type-taxonomy-term-reference field-label-hidden">

The Nanobiophysics laboratory (Prof. Chaieb) in collaboration with the DNA replication laboratory (Prof. Hamdan) at the division of life science and engineering at KAUST invites
applications for immediate openings for a joint postdoctoral fellow
position between the two aforementioned lab although the primary position is at the Nanobophysics laboratory. The research is expected to
involve the usage of optical tweezers (double and single trap) to study various mechanical problems in DNA replication and hybridization. The succeful candidate is expected to be able to functionalize surfaces (spherical and planar substrated) for DNA manipulations and the ability to use optical tweezers.

If you are interested please send your applications to

Mon, 08 Oct 2012 11:10:59 +0000 Sahraoui 13393 at // // //