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farzad64's picture

What is HAPPENING with the posts after a while ?

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Hi eveybody

I noticed that some of the posts don't open after a short while , even some of my recent ones , and the error on the page is : no data received

what happens to the files ? are they removed by admins ? without notification ? as far as I think , there was no problem with mine !!

sorry for asking but it was important for me to know

Node/Elements Connectivity

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Inconsistency of Biography of Tsien Hsue-Shen

Tsien Hsue-Shen, an expert of mechanics, the “King of Rocketry” of China, lived in US for twenty years long. Iris Chang (by a book in 1995) and Judith R. Goodstein (by a report of a conversation with Lee Alvin DuBridge in 2003) gave accounts of Tsien’s biography.



I have observed in many cases that horizontal pressure vessel with saddle support due to the internal pressure gets circumferentially compressed (vertical deflection).

Can anyone expalin why it behaves so.



Plastic J significance in CTOD equation

I am working on the validation of CTOD.

In the evaluation of CTOD using the
J-integral approach as applied in ASTM E1290 and E1820, the plastic J
component is defined as (Npl*Apl)/(Bn*Bo)
Npl=dimensionless constant(plasticity)
Apl=area under load vs. displacement plot
Bn=ligamen length (W-a)
Bo=section thickness

On E1820 there are different functions provided for Npl if Apl is
evaluated differently (CMOD or load-line displacement).

Publication citation metrics and h-index for Australian Universities

For similar reasons outlined by Zhigang’s postnode/2345I
have found it necessary to find comparisons in publication citation
metrics/indices whilst in Academic employment. Much has been discussed about
the appropriate use of these metrics and the arguments on the benefits and
drawbacks are both compelling. Whatever your opinion, it seems that for the
foreseeable future these publication citation metrics are here to stay.


A new beginning of learning!

Be tranquille, and just do it.


Modelling tensile simulation including necking


i am new in using ABAQUS. I am modelling tensile simulation. elastic and plastic part were ok (isotropic). but i dont know how to include damage model (damage for ductile materials). I need stress triaxilaity, equav plastic strain and strain rate..where i can obtain that?..hope somebody can help. Material used is ALSi12


Some funding agencies require that articles be published only in journals with impact factors greater than 1. Here's a list from 2012 that tells you which to choose (if you care about impact factors).
-- Biswajit

Abbreviated Journal Title
Impact Factor



health and safety environmental management

Dear all

i have question that i woud like to know about principle of putting monetary value on human to rduce risk and the principle of weighting the importance of risk , moreover is there any conflic between these principle


Solid Mechanics mini project

Guys , we've been given a mini project of solid mechanics to make any simple model which shows movement . We're getting short of time so please ....Frown
I'm looking for some ideas of how and what to make .

Solid Mechanics mini project

Guys , we've been given a mini project of solid mechanics to make any simple model which shows movement . We're getting short of time so please ....Frown
I'm looking for some ideas of how and what to make .

zaphai's picture

Soil Structure Interaction

我试图模式的土壤生产操作rotary tiller trough soil structure interaction. Based on some published articles, DEM and SPH approach both have been used to model the tool interaction with the soil. I am little confused in the selection of the appraoch. Can somebody throw some light on advantages and disadvantages of one approach over another and which approach should be chosen for more realistic results.

Praveen's picture

Hyperelastic and Viscoelastic material modelling

I have a doubt regarding the Hyperelastic and Viscoelastic material modelling in ANSYS using Mooney-Rivlin material constants.

ANSYS theory manual says that for large deformation and large strains, the material modelling (i.e. constitutive behaviour) is same for hyperelastic and viscoelastic. Is it so?

Generally, Mooney-Rivlin material constants are used to model Hyperelastic behaviour (rubber-like materials).

A question on plasticity

Recently, I have a question on the plasticity.As the plastic materials undergo the loading and unloading process. we can find the energy dissipation from the stress and strain relation curve. Then, my question is that the energy dissipation is generated during the loading process or unloading process?Thank you very much.

Konstantin Volokh's picture

Challenge of Biomechanics

The application of mechanics to biology
– biomechanics – bears great challenges due to the intricacy of living things.
Their dynamism, along with the complexity of their mechanical response (which
in itself involves complex chemical, electrical, and thermal phenomena) makes
it very difficult to correlate empirical data with theoretical models. This
difficulty elevates the importance of useful biomechanical theories compared to
other fields of engineering. Despite inherent imperfections of all theories, a

Mike Ciavarella's picture


Given the complexity of present and
future global challenges, it is the university´s social responsibility
to contribute to society by understanding the full extent of its needs
and current and future problems, and to prepare it to deal with them
effectively and efficiently (CMES, 2009)1. In this sense, due to its
ability to take the lead in matters of knowledge creation, promotion and
dissemination, the university becomes the ultimate guidance governments
possess in their quest to find solutions to inequality and exclusion.

What are my Open-Access options?

As many othes, I find myself in the position that my funding agency mandates some form of parallel publishing (or preferably OpenAccess) (as well as an Open Access policy from my university itself).

I've been reading through what author rights i retain with different publishers, and among the big ones very little rights are retained.
Elsevier allows preprints to be published only if it is voluntary. That is, they intentionally prohibit mandated parallel publishing to protect their profit.
Wiley had different rights with different journals, but my first hand choice simply didn't allow parallel publishing of any kind ever.

Guidelines for Suggesting Peer Reviewers for Manuscripts

As a journal editor, I am often surprised by some of the suggestions authors make for potential reviewers. In some cases the suggestions are not very good, and on occasion authors do not suggest reviewers at all. Some authors will even state explicitly that they cannot think of any reviewers, which is really surprising.

Hooke's law

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Upto what limit is hooke's law really obeyed ? some books say that hooke's law is obeyed up to the proportional limit, while some other books say that hooke's law is upto the elastic limit ? what is the correct answer?

Guanchu Cheng's picture

thermodynamics equilibrium state vs. steady state???

I am not clear about two concepts: thermodynamics equilibrium state and steady state. It's easy to conceive of the following different two osmosis processes regarding thermodynamics equilibrium state and steady state, respecitvely.

FEM analysis of composite plate in ANSYS


i am doing FEM analysis of composite plate[0/+45/-45/90]S in ANSYS. I just wanna now which material properties i have to give as input, lamina properties or laminate plate properties..??

waiting 4 an early response..



ahmadmec68's picture


hi everyone ,

im finding the subject of my thesis(in master science) i will be glad if anyone offer me the subject with satisfactory future , my tendency is applyed mechanic in stress !

please explain about the future job,

thank you

yosoufe's picture

Smart Headphone


I am thinking of a SMART HEADPHONE for people who are listenning to the music all the time for their saftey an their convenience and the people who tries to communicate with them. How SMART? The danger for such people is that they can not hear the alarm of the danger, like the horn of a vehicle. And also, sometimes they are called but they do not hear and consequently they do not show any reaction. This is so bothering for other people.

The tech:

What a shame

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