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Hangbo Zhao's picture

Postdoc position at University of Southern California


TheZhao Research Groupat USC has a postdoc position starting inSummer or Fall 2022in the area of mechanics and manufacturing of flexible electronic sensors. Candidates with experience in finite element simulation, material characterization, and sensor design and fabrication are encouraged to apply by sending a CV to Dr. Hangbo Zhao (

PhD position in Machine Learning and Physical Simulation


AtScuola Superiore Sant'Annaof Pisa, Italy, there are 2 PhD scholarships funded by myERC Starting GrantALPS - AI-based Learning for Physical Simulation. In this project, which will start next September, we aim to build algorithms that can learn physical models starting from experimental data.

Harold S. Park's picture

Postdoctoral Position in the Area of Dynamics of Metamaterials


I am looking to recruit a highly motivated and independent postdoctoral researcher to study, theoretically and computationally topics related to the dynamics of metamaterials, with specific emphasis on wave phenomena. The position is available immediately, and potentially relevant backgrounds for the position include:

1. Phononic crystals

2. Acoustic or phononic bandgaps

3. Non-reciprocal wave propagation

Schlumberger Mechanical Engineer – New Product Development


Title:Mechanical Engineer
Employer:Schlumberger Technology Corporation
Location:Houston, Texas, United States
Opening Date:ASAP

Job Description:

Laurence Brassart's picture

Departmental Lecturer position in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Oxford


The Department of Engineering Science intends to appoint a full-time Departmental Lecturer in Mechanical Engineering to join the Solid Mechanics and Materials Engineering Group with effect from 1 September 2022 or as soon as possible thereafter. The successful candidate will work at the Department of Engineering Science (Central Oxford, OX1 3PJ). The post is fixed-term for a duration of five years.

rabedi's picture

MS/PhD RA positions, U Tennessee Knoxville, Statistical homogenization & multiscale failure analysis


I have up to 4 open positions (funded by the department of defense and other sources) for MS or PhD (preferred) students at the University of Tennessee Knoxville (UTK). Almost certainly, I cannot hire a postdoctoral fellow. The positions should start in Fall 2022 or at the latest Spring 2023. One of the positions requires US citizenship.

All projects use Multiscale stochastic homogenization of materials using statistical volume elements (SVEs) to some extent.

soheilsoghrati's picture

Open PhD Position: AI-Assisted Computational Design of Materials


The Automated Computational Mechanics Laboratory (ACML) at The Ohio State University has an open PhD position for a project focused on developing a novel framework relying on numerical techniques and artificial intelligence (AI) for modeling composites and biomaterials. Please checkACMLwebsite to get familiar with some of the ongoing research in this lab, focused on computational mechanics and cancer engineering.

David Cereceda's picture

One fully funded Ph.D. position in Bio-inspired Computational Mechanics and Machine Learning - Fall 2022


The Multiscale Modeling of Materials and Machine Learning Laboratory (M4L Lab: at Villanova University is looking for one Ph.D. student. The successful applicant will work with Dr. David Cereceda on interdisciplinary research topics that involve Computational Mechanics, Bio-inspired materials, and Machine Learning. The position starts as early as Fall 2022. Evaluations will start immediately until the positions are filled.

Krishna Garikipati's picture

Postdoc position for a computational mechanician in the Computational Physics Group @ University of Michigan


TheComputational Physics Groupat the University of Michigan has an opening for a postdoctoral researcher in data-driven computational mechanics. This position can be available as early as July 1, 2022. Research in the Computational Physics Group is focused on developing data-driven, machine learning and some artificial intelligence approaches that interact with a range of computational methods for problems in materials physics, biophysics and in engineering more broadly.

Antonio Papangelo's picture

PhD positions opening in contact mechanics at PoliBa


Location:Polytechnic University of Bari, Department of Mechanics Mathematics and Management (DMMM), Via Orabona 4 - 70125 Bari – Italy

Job Type:Full Time

Junior Research Fellow Position Available @ Shiv Nadar University Delhi-NCR: Bioinspired Unmanned Underwater Vehicle


My group in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Shiv Nadar University has an open JRF position funded by Naval Research Board DRDO. The successful candidate may get the opportunity to enroll in the Ph.D. program starting in Monsoon 2022, subject to fulfilling the requirements.

Harold S. Park's picture

Postdoctoral Position in Topological Mechanics


I am looking to recruit a high motivated and independent postdoctoral researcher to study, through theoretical and computational approaches, various topics related to the topological mechanics of solids, including phononic topological insulators, odd elasticity, and non-Hermitian mechanics. The position is available for an initial 8-month duration, with possible extension to 24 moths depending on availability of funding. The position is available immediately.

Preferred qualifications for the postdoc position include:

Wei Gao's picture

Postdoc and PhD positions at TAMU


A postdoctoral associate and Phd positions are available at Mechanical Engineering at Texas A&M University with Prof. Wei Gao. Both positions can start as early as 8/16/2022. The research project will focus broadly on studying the mechanics of materials with multsicale modeling combined with AI and machine learning methods. The work is highly interdisciplinary and involves collaborations with experimentalists at TAMU. You may read more about Prof. Gao’s research

Li Han's picture

Full time position at Intel: Material Analysis Lab Engineer


Position is immediately available and needs to be filled soon. Interested candidate can contact me at email below.

Material Analysis Lab Engineer


H.Chen's picture

PhD openings in Computational Solid Mechanics


The Computational Mechanics and Methods Group (CM3) in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Kentucky is seeking highly self-motivated individuals who have great interest in the broad research area of computational solid mechanics and methods. Ideal applicants should have strong background in solid mechanics and great interest in computational modeling & simulation. Related research experience in material failure modeling and simulation is a plus.

Shuozhi Xu's picture

Fully-funded Ph.D. student positions at the University of Oklahoma


Dear Colleagues,

I will join the School of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering at the University of Oklahoma as a tenure-track Assistant Professor. I have two fully-funded Ph.D. student positions in my group. The students will work in general fields of computational materials science and solid mechanics. Please share the attached flyer with anyone who may be interested.

Thank you

Shuozhi Xu

mohsenzaeem's picture

PostDoc/Research Associate Position - phase transformation and ferroelasticity


A PostDoc/Research Associate Position is available immediately at Colorado School of Mines. The applicants should have a PhD degree in Mechanical Engineering, Materials Science or a relevant field, with a strong background in phase-field modeling and/or MD simulations, especially in the area of diffusionless phase transformation and ferroelasticity. Knowledge of machine learning and data analysis is a plus. Interested candidates should send their CV with 2-3 of their recent and reverent publications

cbrinson's picture

New AI + Metamaterials postdoc position


We are seeking a creative and enthusiastic postdoc to work at Duke University as part of a collaborative DOE funded project entitled "FAIR Data and Interpretable AI Framework for Architectured Metamaterials". Candidate should have phd in mechanical or materials engineering, with experience in mechanical metamaterials, the underlying physical principles, finite element simulations, and preferably some knowledge of AI/ML and desire to learn more.

Postdoc openings on additive manufacturing (thermal stress, UQ) at National University of Singapore


Dr. Wentao Yan's group at the Department of Mechanical Engineering, National University of Singapore (NUS), focuses on metal additive manufacturing: computational modeling, experimental investigation and data analytics.
There are three openings for postdoctoral fellows available immediately.The candidates are required to have expertise in one of the following areas:

1) Thermal stress;

2) Fracture and cracking;

3) Uncertainty quantification and propagation;

Fabrice Pierron's picture



There is an opportunity to apply for a scholarship at the University of Ghent in Belgium as part of the DyMaLab laboratory on the following topic: Coupled experimental-numerical techniques to identify impact-dynamic properties of advanced materials. A detailed description is available in the attached PDF.

Kawai Kwok's picture

Postdoctoral Scholar in Composite Deployable Structures at University of Central Florida (UCF)


We are seeking a postdoctoral scholar to carry out research on large deployable structures for future spacecraft systems. The focus is on advancing viscoelasticity and viscoplastic modeling and characterization methods for high-precision optical structures based on composite materials. A background in solid mechanics and composite structures is required.


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