iMechanica - postdoc positions // en Postdoc positions at UC Berkeley // < div class = "字段field-name-taxonomy-vocabulary-6field-type-taxonomy-term-reference field-label-hidden">

The Gu Research Group in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of California, Berkeley has postdoctoral positions available. The positions will involve developing state-of-the-art artificial intelligence (AI) techniques and multi-physics modeling approaches to design novel materials with superior properties and functionalities. There are two positions available with the following descriptions and skills:

1. Computational modeling and design approach for composite materials: This project involves developing multi-physics simulations and AI algorithms to accelerate the modeling and design of composites for high-velocity impact.

2. Theoretical modeling and inverse design approach for piezoelectric materials: This project involves developing a generalized elastodynamic homogenization theory and AI-driven microstructural design of piezoelectric materials for energy conversion applications.

The appointment is for one year with the possibility of an extension. Evaluations will start immediately until the position is filled. Interested candidates should send the following information as a single PDF to Prof. Grace Gu ( with the subject line “Postdoctoral Application – [Name]”:

1) Cover Letter – include your background, desired start date, career goals after the postdoc position, and experience with one of the two projects mentioned above

2) CV that includes a full list of publications

3) Names and contact information of three references

4) [Optional] Copies of up to three relevant papers

星期一,2021年8月16日21:09:34 +0000 ggu 25373 at // // //
PhD positions and postdoc positions at the University of Padua, Italy // < div class = "字段field-name-taxonomy-vocabulary-6field-type-taxonomy-term-reference field-label-hidden">

Two PhD positions and two postdoc positions are available at the University of Padua in the field of computational mechanics of materials. The work will involve building a multi-scale model to study contact, friction and lubrication.

For the PhD candidates, a Master Degree is required. Experience with programming is a requirement for PhD as well as postdoctoral applicants. Experience with dislocation dynamics and/or molecular dynamics simulations is appreciated.

Applications should be submitted through email to the attention of Lucia Nicola

Applicants are invited to send a motivation letter, CV, BSc and MSc transcripts, and the contact information of at least two referees. Please send a single pdf file containing all information requested, and give it a meaningful name.

The positions are fully computational. If you would love to do also/only experiments, this is not the right position for you, please do not apply.

Fri, 28 Apr 2017 09:03:02 +0000 Lucia Nicola 21187 at // // //
postdoc position on computational mechanics https://万博manbetx平台 < div class = "字段field-name-taxonomy-vocabulary-6field-type-taxonomy-term-reference field-label-hidden">

A postdoc position is immediately available in the computer-aided engineering research lab at the University of Cincinnati. The research will focus on high-performance implementation of multiscale computational methods in solid mechanics. The candidate shall have a Ph.D. degree in mechanics, mechanical engineering, or related areas with emphasis on computation. Significant experiences with finite element methods using direct and iterative solver, computer programming using fortran, C or C++, and parallel computing based on CPU or GPU are required. The initial appointment of this position is 10 months and the project may be renewed based on performance and available funds. Interested applicants shall send a resume with research statement and 2-3 references to

Thu, 03 Nov 2011 11:34:10 +0000 dongqian 11374年https://ime万博manbetx平台 https://万博manbetx平台 //
Postdoc positions in Center for Nano and Micro Mechanics (CNMM) at Tsinghua University, Beijing, China // < div class = "字段field-name-taxonomy-vocabulary-6field-type-taxonomy-term-reference field-label-hidden">

There are TEN openings for postdoctoral positions in the Center for Nano and Micro Mechanics (CNMM) at Tsinghua University. The Center is an interdisciplinary innovation center supported by Tsinghua University, with specially focused interests in nanomaterials, nanodevices, nano-enabled energy and environmental applications. More details about the faculties and research area can be found at
The salary level for a postdoctoral researcher is 65K CNY (10K USD) per year. Fellowship and additional financial supports (40-50K CNY per year) are available for applications.
The openings are coordinated with following directions. A detailed job description and contacts can be found at the attached PDF file or

Ms. Tina Y. Qin
Tel: +86-10-62773840, Fax: +86-10-62782700

Area I (3-4 positions): Graphene-based van der Waals Nanoelectromechanical Systems and Mechanics
Project P1.1: Nano-devices
Project P1.2: Mechanics
Project P1.3: Fabrication
Area II (3-4 positions): Micro- and Nano-scale Flow, Wetting, and Mechanics
Project P2.1: Computing for Clean Water
Project P2.2: Water and Air Filters
Project P2.3: Wetting and Transportation Mechanics
Area III (2-3 Positions): Nanomaterials and Mechanics for Strength, Bioengineering, and Energy
Project P3.1: Hieerarchically Structured Polymer Nanocomposites
Project P3.2: Biodegradation Materials for Tissue Engineering
Project P3.3: Plant Cell Mechanics and Physics
Project P3.4: Multiscale Modeling and Simulations for Energy
Area IV (2-3 Positions): Nano Instruments and Mechanics
Project P4.1: Nano Instruments
Project P4.2: Nano and Micro Mechanical Measurements

星期四,2011年9月29日06:49:42 +0000 Quan-shui Zheng 11167 at // // //