iMechanica - finite element model // en 'Structural safety evaluation of Karun III Dam and calibration of its finite element model' - article freely available https://万博manbetx平台

'Structural safety evaluation of Karun III Dam and calibration of its finite element model using instrumentation and site observation' by H. Mirzabozorga, M.A. Hariri-Ardebilib, M. Heshmatia, S.M. Seyed-Kolbadia

This article published in Case Studies in Structural Engineering is freely available on ScienceDirect


•Three-dimensional finite element model of a high arch dam was prepared.
•Finite element model was calibrated in thermal and static conditions.
•Micro geodesies measurements and instrumentations were used for calibration.
•Static safety of Karun III Dam was evaluated using updated material properties.

结婚,2014年4月23日14:28:39 + 0000 Laure Ballu 16462年在https: // https://万博manbetx平台 //
ansys viscoelastic model //


I am currently a graduate student working on soft tissue simulation. I have stress relaxation and creep experimental data for a soft tissue that I used to derive a prony series from the stress relaxation data and a power series from the creep relaxation data . Now I want to use these results to perform a finite element simulation on Ansys 12.0 mechanical , and I sort of have an idea on how to perform it but I have many doubts on how to input the material models and how to construct the model in general,even though I've reviewed the ansys help . My experience using Ansys is extremely limited and so far I lack a comprehensive tutorial on how to perform finite element analysis in a structure with material nonlinearities. Does anyone know where I can find a tutorial(that is not ??? specifically where I can find details on how to perform a viscoelastic analysis and maybe some references on this kind on analysis that I can use to solve my doubts on the issue .

Mon, 25 Apr 2011 16:49:52 +0000 JoseTellez1987 10156 at // // //