iMechanica - simple compresion test https: // en Siple Compression Test With Abaqus Explicit https: //

Hi, i am trying to test a bulk metallc glass VUMAT with a simple compression test simulation. But since VUMAT is a Abaqus Explicit subroutine, that means I must set my compression simulation with setting of Abaqus Explicit right? So far I only have the experience in conducting compression test simualtion using ABAQUS Standard setting like static general step and surface-to-surface contact (standard). I don't know how to set up a simple compression test simulation with Abaqus Explicit settings, can anyone help me please?

Thanks and regards.

Thu, 14 Apr 2011 04:11:40 +0000 gnoij 10092 at // https://万博manbetx平台 https: //