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bone tissue

Distinguished Researcher to Speak at NJIT on Preventing Bone Loss

Biomedical researcher Stephen C. Cowin will describe a promising model for studying nutrient transport from the vascular system to bone tissue

Preventing bone deterioration is a critical aspect of combating osteoporosis, improving bone implants, and even making long-term space flight possible, such as voyages to Mars and beyond. On April 9, noted biomedical researcher Stephen C. Cowin will describe a promising model for studying nutrient transport from the vascular system to bone tissue, transport that has a direct bearing on the prevention of bone loss.

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3 d XFEM收敛混乱

Hello everybody

could anyone please tell me how to improve the convergence when using XFEM in Abaqus 6.10. I have tried small min increment 2.5e-16 and a total no of increments 1e9. Also, I have changed the control parameters to discontinuous analysis Io=8, IR=10, and IA=20 but actually I was not able to persuade XFEM to finalise the job.

请帮助我所有的李fe is waiting at that point.

Adel Abdel-Wahab

PhD candidate

Loughborough University


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