iMechanica - tensors // en Derivatives of Tensors //

Hi all,

I am looking for a general definition of the derivative of a tenorial product (e.g. when the expression for Stress contains nonlinear terms in deformation gradient, F ).

I start with a very simple example:

∂F_pq/∂F_mn = δ_pm δ_qn , i.e. Kronecker delta with first index of F_pq and first index of F_mn, and second Kronecker delta for second pair of indices q & n.

However the problem arises when we have a product of two or more tensors. Is the following (using chain rule) a valid derivative?

∂ (A_ij B_jk) /∂F_mn = [∂A_ij / ∂F_mn ] B_jk + A_ij [B_jk / ∂F_mn]

I used this method of using indicies, and found that results are sometimes very different than what is written (with any explaination) in textbooks.

E.g. if A=F^-1 and B=F then

∂(F^-1_ij F_jk) /∂F_mn = [F^-1_ij / ∂F_mn ] F_jk + F^-1_ij [F_jk / ∂F_mn] = 0 (because F-1F = I and ∂(I)/F = 0

Therefore, [F^-1_ij / ∂F_mn ] F_jk = - F^-1_ij [F_jk / ∂F_mn]

and [F^-1_ij / ∂F_mn ] = - F^-1_ij δ_jm δ_kn F^-1_jk

hence [F-1_ij / ∂F_mn ] = - F-1_im F-1_jn

However, in most books, Matrix Cook Book, and the Wikipedia article for Tensor derivatives, I found the second term in result is different (the indices have interchanged their positions), i.e.

[F^-1_ij / ∂F_mn ] = - F^-1_im F-^1_nj

I will be very thankful if anyone can kindly explain what went wrong in the derivative (above in red) which I have calculated

Best regards,


Mon, 09 Oct 2017 07:18:45 +0000 Mubeen 21673年// // //
Differentiating Cauchy Viscous strain tensor with Cauchy strain tensor //

Hello all,

I am trying to investigate(as a part of my internship work) 2-3 nonlinear material models of visoelasticity. As usual, free energy has been divided in to two parts, viscous energy function and elastic energy function. In one model, I have elastic energy as a function of strain invariants,viscous energy as function of C(Right Cauchy strain tensor) and C_v(Right Cauchy viscous strain tensor) and a evolution equation of C_v with respect to time. To find stress tensor(of some kind) I have to differentiate it with C or deformation gradient but, I am unable to differentiate C_v by C. Initially, I was assuming that \frac{dC_v}{dC} will be zero but later I realised it is wrong. I have attached a pdf containing my functions and all other information.

P.S.- This is my first question(or blog) if you find something wrong in the way I have written question or the way I asked. Please notify me.

PDF icon imechanica.pdf110.74 KB
Sat, 02 Jul 2016 17:01:17 +0000 Arpit Agrawal 20062 at // // //
Inverse of the 4th rank tensor //

Hi all,

I am looking for an algorithm to get the inverse of a 4th rank tensor (e.g. the compliance tensor S_(ijkl) from elastic stiffness tensor C_(ijkl)) S_(ijkl)=C_(ijkl)^(-1)

I am programming in FORTRAN, and for this purpose I wasn't able to find neither any algorithm nor any existing subroutine.

If anyone at this forum has any idea about this inversion, kindly guide me.

Best regards,


Thu, 25 Oct 2012 21:03:12 +0000 Mubeen 13519 at // // //
Derivative of an expression // < div class = "字段field-name-body field-type-text -with-summary field-label-hidden">

Hello iMechanica!

While reading a paper, I've tried to repeat a derivation of a simple tensorial expression given in the paper and my result differs from the result in the paper. Could you please look in to the PDF-File (just 1 page long!) that I have attached to my post and see if I derived everything right? That would be great!

Thanks a lot in advance!


PDF icon sde.pdf44.3 KB
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Tue, 06 Apr 2010 14:26:11 +0000 Anton Ishmurzin 7929 at // // //
Seeking a logarithmic operator for a 4th order tensor // < div class = "字段field-name-body field-type-text -with-summary field-label-hidden">

I don't know whether this question has an answer, but I'd like to see what you all think:

Does anyone know whether or not the following operation is meaningful, whether it is described and defined algorithmically somewhere, and / or how to do it?

ln(Aij) = Bkm ln(Cijkm)

A and B are second order tensors

C is a 4th order tensor

The left hand side involves the natural logarithm of the 2nd order tensor A, which is no problem.

The right hand side involves the natural log of the 4th order tensor C, which I have never encountered before.

I greatly appreciate any leads you can provide.

Sun, 07 Jun 2009 02:36:20 +0000 wvmars 5589年https://ime万博manbetx平台 // //