万博manbetx平台iMechanica -自由能 https://万博manbetx平台m.limpotrade.com/taxonomy/term/3700 自由能与分数阶遗传态 https://万博manbetx平台m.limpotrade.com/node/16770

Complex materials, often encountered in recent engineering and material sciences applications, show no complete separations between solid and fluid phases. This aspect is reflected in the continuous relaxation time spectra recorded in cyclic load tests. As a consequence the material free energy can not be defined in a unique manner yielding a significative lack of knowledge of the maximum recoverable work that can extracted from the material. The non-uniqueness of the free energy function is removed in the paper for power-laws relaxation/creep function by using a recently proposed mechanical analogue to fractional-order hereditariness.

Authors: Luca Deseri, Mario Di Paola, Massimiliano Zingales., in press on Int. J. Solids Struct. (2014), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijsolstr.2014.05.008

2014年6月11日星期三04:13:38 +0000 lucadeseri 16770 https://ime万博manbetx平台chanica.org https://万博manbetx平台m.limpotrade.com/node/16770#comments https://万博manbetx平台m.limpotrade.com/crss/node/16770
物理凝胶的热力学模型 https://万博manbetx平台m.limpotrade.com/node/8839
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物理凝胶的特征是动态交联,不断产生和断开,在环境因素的影响下,其状态在固体和液体之间变化。物理凝胶的这种重组能力使其成为一类重要的材料,具有许多应用,如药物输送。在这篇文章中,我们提出了一个物理凝胶的热力学模型,该模型同时考虑了网络的弹性性质和交联的瞬态性质。在微观水平上,通过连通性张量M来捕获交联的重组。< /span>宏观数量,如单体的体积分数f,每个交联单体的数量s,以及每个体积的交联数q,是通过统计平均来定义的。基于这些变量构建了凝胶的平均场能量泛函。 在当前状态下得到平衡方程和应力。我们研究了用该模型预测的物理凝胶的静态热力学性质。我们讨论了物理凝胶的非约束溶胀和应力驱动相变问题,并描述了这些现象产生的条件,它们是键活化能Ea,聚合物/溶剂相互作用参数c和应力p的函数。

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8839 https://ime万博manbetx平台chanica.org https://万博manbetx平台m.limpotrade.com/node/8839#comments https://万博manbetx平台m.limpotrade.com/crss/node/8839 提高能源效率的机制。 https://万博manbetx平台m.limpotrade.com/node/5199

与凸轮固定。我们认为b是45。所以cos45 =。70。 This fixed weight
should be 0.70 MG. Which balance the sliding weight applied on cam in
tengential direction. As sliding weight come down the fixed weight go
up. But the twist is the redius of cam decrease nominal continuously.
So sliding weight come down little bit and fixed weight go up much
more. We consider sliding weight come dowm H2 height and fixed weight
go up H1 height. We consider H1=5H2
Now we calculate energy loss by sliding weight=MG*Height
Energy got by lifting fixed weight =MG*Cos(b)*Height
=.70MG*5H2 (Because H1=5H2)
=3.5* Energy loss by sliding weight
So we get 3.5 times more energy than we loss. The ratio depend on the rate we decrease redius of cam and angle (b).

2009年4月4日星期六09:19:12 +0000 吉格尔·y·帕特尔 5199在https://ime万博manbetx平台chanica.org https://万博manbetx平台m.limpotrade.com/node/5199#comments https://万博manbetx平台m.limpotrade.com/crss/node/5199 提高能源效率的机制。 https://万博manbetx平台m.limpotrade.com/node/5197
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与凸轮固定。 We consider b as 45. So cos 45=.70. This fixed weight
should be 0.70 MG. Which balance the sliding weight applied on cam in
tengential direction. As sliding weight come down the fixed weight go
up. But the twist is the redius of cam decrease nominal continuously.
So sliding weight come down little bit and fixed weight go up much
more. We consider sliding weight come dowm H2 height and fixed weight
go up H1 height. We consider H1=5H2
Now we calculate energy loss by sliding weight=MG*Height
Energy got by lifting fixed weight =MG*Cos(b)*Height
=.70MG*5H2 (Because H1=5H2)
=3.5* Energy loss by sliding weight
So we get 3.5 times more energy than we loss. The ratio depend on the rate we decrease redius of cam and angle (b).

Image icon Energy.jpg1.2 MB
2009年4月4日星期六06:49:28 +0000 吉格尔·y·帕特尔 5197在https://ime万博manbetx平台chanica.org https://万博manbetx平台m.limpotrade.com/node/5197#comments https://万博manbetx平台m.limpotrade.com/crss/node/5197
静止的液压或弹簧力可以帮助滑轮转动。除滑轮外,其余部件均静止不动。 https://万博manbetx平台m.limpotrade.com/node/5106


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太阳,2009年3月22日14:22:28 +0000 吉格尔·y·帕特尔 5106在https://ime万博manbetx平台chanica.org https://万博manbetx平台m.limpotrade.com/node/5106#comments https://万博manbetx平台m.limpotrade.com/crss/node/5106