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Reza Mousavi's picture

Averaging and Homogenization in multiscale methods

I found this reference very helpful in building a solid base for learning the foundamentals of Homogenization methods and up to now, is the only reference that addresses the difference between Homogenization and Averaging methods.

I will put more references in this entry and will be happy if you share your links with me.

phunguyen's picture

2D approximation of heterogeneous 3D media

Dear All,

Could somebody indicate me some literature about the topic "2D
approximation of heterogeneous 3D media"?

In particular I am interested to address following issues:

1) Under which conditions averaging thermal conductivity and young
modulus (or more general, mechanical behaviour) on multiple 2D crossections of an heterogeneous "random"
material can be a good approximation for the behaviour of the real 3D

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