iMechanica - researchers // en Problems of researchers in third world and how IMECHANICA can help them (it is not money). //

many researchers in industrial countries think the only problem of third world researchers is money but it is not true. I worked as a researcher for four years in one of this third world countries.

Computational and Theoretical research dont need much money as like as lab dependent research. because freeware and opensource became popular and (the copyright laws are not strict in these countries unfortunately).many experimental works also can be done with available facilities in these universities.

many of our graduated students now study in CALTECH,STANFORD,MIT,PRICETON, HARVARD, JOHN HOPKINS, and the lectures in many universities in third world are really good in comparision with lectures offer there. there are so many active MSC and PHD students who are eager to research. and they spend more time on researchers than industrial countries because they have no any other thing to do!!!!. i think it be same in china.

Main problem is Mission and the topic. they dont know what to do. they dont know what scientific society wants to know. they dont know what to do. some times they just download paper. validate it, change the parameters or add new parameters and then try to publish it. they spend their money and time on papers who no one reads them. when they see their research has no impact they dont like to spend more money and time. if you comprise number of published papers and number of citations for example of iran you will believe what i am saying.

Imechanica can help improving the quality of research by introducing questions which scientific society likes to know their answer. and their researches will find. of course there are many points hidden in review papers but if it be more specified in categorized manner it would be more helpful.

Thu, 22 May 2008 06:37:52 +0000 RoozbehSanaei 3219 at // https://万博manbetx平台 //