iMechanica - Purdue University https://万博manbetx平台 en Tenure Track Faculty Position - Biomechanics // < div class = "字段field-name-taxonomy-vocabulary-8field-type-taxonomy-term-reference field-label-hidden">

The School of Mechanical Engineering is seeking applications for a tenure track faculty position in the area of biomechanics.

The position description is available at:

With question, please reach out to Thomas Siegmund, Chair Biomechanics Search Committee,

Thu, 08 Sep 2022 16:10:27 +0000 siegmund 26207 at // // //
Call for Mini-Symposium Proposals for SES 2014 //

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Dear Colleagues,

Society of Engineering Science 51st Annual Technical Meeting
will be hosted by Purdue University in West Lafayette, IN on October 1-3, 2014.
The initial Founder’s Meeting of the SES was held at Purdue University in 1963 (Click the link to see pictures of the first SES Meeting).
This year’s meeting brings the organization back to its roots, providing both a historical perspective as well as the opportunity for discussions on cutting edge research in the engineering sciences.

We are inviting you to submit
a proposal to organize a symposium for
this event. In particular, we are
interested in proposals for symposia for the following tracks :

  • Mechanics of Fluids and Thermal Systems
  • Biological and Biomimetic Materials
  • Mechanics of Solids and Structures
  • Mechanics in Materials Science
  • Mechanics Education
  • Dynamics and Control

for a symposium should be submitted before
January 30, 2014 to the following Link: [Click here]

Please visit the conference website for details about the meeting. For further questions, please contact us via

We look forward to receiving your submissions!

Anil Bajaj, Conference Chair

and the local organizing committee: Dave Bahr, Salle Bane, James Caruthers, Weinong Chen, Anter El-Azab, Marisol Koslowski, Jitesh Panchal, Byron Pipes, Arun Prakash, Arvind Raman, Jeffrey Rhoads, Michael Sangid, Thomas Siegmund, Chin-Teh Sun, Vikas Tomar, Steve Wereley, Jon Wilker and Pablo Zavattieri

Tue, 07 Jan 2014 01:42:37 +0000 巴勃罗Zavattieri 15884 at // // //