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naval architect

good day,

i am a naval architect ,MSc student at ship structure.

i hope i find good ,friends,opinions in this site and be a good replier to your questions too.

Stress concentration at a corner of varying angles, mode I and mode II

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我看着压力concentration at a corner for both a mode I and mode II loading situation.

For reference, see: Carpenter, 1984. Mode I and mode II stress intensities for plates with cracks of finite opening. International Journal of Fracture. V. 26. 201-214. 1984.

The problem that is being addresses is the stress concentration found at a corner in an infine body as seen in the figure below. β=0...π.

m_meisam's picture

How Can I use subroutine?

Dear Guys

I use abaqus cae for modeling and wanna know how should I attech subroutine file to abaqus cae file!


M. Meisam

m_meisam's picture

Two Questions in Concrete Modeling

Dear Friends
I've 2 questions:
1) I use abaqus cae for concrete modeling and how can I attech a file (subroutine/etc.) to my model?
2) which category I should use for concrete while making a part(shell/solid)? while I'm trying to make a section , only shell section have a rebar layer and solid section dont have this option! what should I do?
Meisam M.

How to solve the equation?

I have come accross an equation of the form ∂2u/∂x2 + ∂2u/∂y2 - K2 u =0 with the following conditions. y ≥αx,y ≥-αx, x=H.How to solve this equation?.analytically.

Yuhang Hu's picture

final project for ES 240

ppt for ES 240 final project.

damage identification of cylindrical shell structures

Cai Shengqiang's picture

ES 240 Final Project

Attachment is my small final project. My name is Shengqiang Cai.

Nanshu Lu's picture

Singapore International Graduate Award (SINGA)

TheSingapore International Graduate Award (SINGA)is a collaboration between the Agency for Science, Technology & REsearch (A*STAR), the National Unviersity of Singaproe (NUS) and the Nanyang Technological University (NTU). PhD training will be carried out in English at your chosen lab at A*STAR Research Institutes, NUS or NTU. Students will be supervised by distinguished and world-renowned researchers in these labs. Upon successful completion, students will be conferred a PhD degree by either NUS or NTU.


m_meisam's picture

Concrete Modeling

Dear Guys!

I'm looking for a person whom familier with concrete modeling.

is there any one?

m_meisam's picture

Concrete Modeling

Dear Guys!

I'm wanna model the concrete plasticity in abaqus and is it possible to tell me which element type should I use for Concrete modeling?


Rui Huang's picture

Engineering Mechanics 388F: Fracture Mechanics

Time:Monday and Wednesday 3:00 - 4:30 pm

Place:WRW 312,University of Texas at Austin

Instructor:Rui Huang, WRW 117D, (512) 471-7558,

    Lecture notes

    Homework Sets

    Term Papers(with links to abstracts, presentation slides and final reports)

    the equilibrium stress-strain curve

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    Consider a polymer for which the potential energy resulting from attractive forces between the chains decreases markedly as the chains are oriented. What can one say about the effect of these forces upon the equilibrium stress-strain curve for that polymer rubber? andhow large will be the small-elongation tensile modulus?


    Conversion of PSD to Displacement Plot


    I want to know how to convert a PSD curve into a Displacement vs Frequency plot.. Pl do help me....


    Konstantin Volokh's picture

    Equilibrium equations for large deformations

    Lagrangian or referential equilibrium equations for materials undergoing large deformations are of interest in the developing fields of mechanics of soft biomaterials and nanomechanics. The main feature of these equations is the necessity to deal with the First Piola-Kirchhoff, or nominal, stress tensor which is a two-point tensor referring simultaneously to the reference and current configurations.

    MichelleLOyen's picture

    "Open source" education

    Anew AP article appeared todayon free access to college's educational materials, particularly spot-lighting theMIT Open Course Wareinitiative. Also discussed are available educational materials through iTunes and Youtube. iMechanica has also got agrowing repository of course noteson mechanics topics.

    yoursdhruly's picture

    Traction separation laws in Cohesive zone models - Some Questions


    As a student who has spent a lot of time studying cohesive zone models in fracture mechanics, I have several questions that have bothered me over the past year or so, and I have not been able to find suitable answers to them. I am limiting myself here to questions related to the traction-separation law, which invariably forms the basis of CZM as it is implemented today. I am raising these questions in the hope that I can receive some response here, even if it means my question is invalid (as I suspect a few may be). So here is my list:


    Teng Li's picture

    NYT most popular article in December features MIT physics professor

    At 71, Physics Professor Is a Web Star

    Most frequently e-mailed by readers in the past 30 days, the above article features MIT physics professor, Walter H. G. Lewin, on how hisfree physics lecture videos onlinehave won him devotees all over the world.

    developing a Matlab software to get the natural frequency , and dynamic parameters (modal shape for each mode)

    我想开发一个matlab程序它te the natural frequency anf the model shapes for beams

    using the finite element method , as i will need to change the stiffness in the beam sections to model cracks.

    i am sure there an easy ready method to perform this , i am happy if some one provided me with the method or the basic code

    Random Vibration

    What is meant by wave number?. What is the allowable standard power spectral density for road profiles?

    Significance of J1 and J2

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    Dear members,

    I need some information about the implication or significance of J1 and J2 in granular materials not mathematical represantation which I have.Your feedback will be highly appreciated.Thanks in advance.

    P = Mean stress or Hydrostatic stress = (σ11 + σ22+ σ33)/3

    J1 = -3 * p

    J2 = 1/6*{(σ11 - σ22)2 + (σ22 - σ33)2 + (σ33 – σ11)2}

    Temesgen Markos's picture

    GRE Verbal, how much does it count?

    我在申请的过程中与计算机博士学位tational solid mechanics in the US and I am about to take the GRE. Well I have been kind of busy at my work and didn't really get time to study the word list.

    My question is, how much weight does the verbal part have in admission/fellowship/assistantship decisions? If I have really good GPA's and research experience with enthusiastic refrees, can I still make it with medicore results on the verbal part?

    creep in tubes abaqus

    I am a abaqus beginer, I want to know how to analyse creep of tubular component in abaqus. If you have any material regarding this kindly mail me. I need it for my project work.


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