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Interesting 3D Printed Parts for Young STEM Students

Hello -

I am curious if anyone has used a 3D printer to demonstrate mechanics of materials to secondary school (or younger) students. Please let me know if you are aware of a curriculum/have ideas based on this idea.



Masters and PhD Opportunity in Geotechnical Engineering at Canada


Good Day. I am a PhD student (Geotechnical Engineering) at Memorial University, Canada. Currenlty, my supervisor ( is actively looking for graduate students. If you are really interested, Please E-mail your CV @sujan95@gmail.comby October 9, 2015.

Thanks for your time.


Sujan Dutta.

Angela Lemos's picture

Numerical analysis on friction pads - script analysis

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你好。我的名字是安琪拉,我是一个公民gineering student finishing my master thesis. The subject of my thesis is numerical simulation of a friction pad which is subjected to several cycles of 30 mm amplitude deformation (allowed due to the existance of slotted holes). I have to report the frictional behavior of the specimen and for that I have experimental Data. The variation of the friction coefficient can be due to wearing of the plates and, consequently, loss of preload (which was not measured experimentally) and also some strain hardening of the asperities, ...

Wenbin Yu's picture

Composites Simulation Workshop

Join the Composites Design and Manufacturing HUB for the 2015 Composites Simulation Workshop at Purdue University. Experience the first Composites Simulation Fair with commercial software providers in an open exhibit format. Overview the fundamentals of composites simulation; experience state-of-the-art composites simulation software; hear expert, cutting-edge advances in strength, fatigue and virtual allowables modeling from academic, industry and commercial software experts.

RILEM Multi-scale Modelling Course for Concrete (MMC2)

The RILEM Multi-scale Modelling Course for Concrete (MMC2) provides the opportunity for participants to become familiar with modelling cementitious materials at four different levels of detail. Different ways of schematization and numerical approaches are considered to simulate the chemical, physical and mechanical behaviour of cementitious materials.

Bent F. Sørensen's picture

PhD scholarship in experimental and modelling study of the composite pultrusion process for manufacturing of pre-fabricated elements for wind turbine blades

The Section for Composites and Materials Mechanics, DTU Wind Energy, is seeking a PhD student for an experimental and modelling study of the composite pultrusion process for manufacturing of pre-fabricated elements for wind turbine blades. The PhD scholarship is part of the OPTI_MADE_BLADE project funded by the Innovation Fund Denmark. The project targets the development of design and manufacturing solutions for large (>70m) offshore wind turbine blades.

In the assessment of the candidates, consideration will be given to:

Needle Insertion Into Soft Tissue

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I'm modelling the deformation of a soft tissue under needle insertion, but I'm having difficulties because the data I have is not sufficient. What I need is about the epidural space, elasticity constants, inner and outer radii, etc. Can anyone give me some answers about that.

Zhigang Suo's picture

Fossil-fueled civilization

I'll be teaching an undergraduate course on engineering thermodynamics. We will use thetextbook by Cengel and Boles. I will supplement the textbook usingmy own notes on thermodynamics.

finite element method

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how can i apply torsion loading on a finite element model in ansys workbench?

Young and Hooke

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Why is the law Hooke's but the modulus Young's?

Short Course: Advanced Methods in Computational Fluid Dynamics

Advanced Methods in Computational Fluid Dynamics

7-10 September 2015

Continuing Professional Development Course

University of Manchester and STFC Daresbury Laboratory, United Kingdom

Cyclic loading to RC columns in ANSYS

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jenda_z's picture

Modeling of Localized Inelastic Deformation 2015


on behalf of the course organizer, I would like to bring to your attention to the advanced course on建模的本地化inelastic deformationthat will be taught by Milan Jirasek in Prague, Czech Republic on 7-11 September 2015. More detailed information on the course is posted at We are looking forward to seeing you in Prague!

Theocharis's picture

2015 IIMEC Summer School on Advanced Material Systems: Experimentation and Modeling

On behalf of the International Institute for Multifunctional Materials for Energy Conversion (IIMEC) and the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, we would like to announce asummer schoolonAdvanced Material Systems: Experimentation and Modeling. The summer school will be held from July 13–18, 2015 on the Aristotle University campus in Thessaloniki, Greece.

Erik Bitzek's picture

Modeling Materials Short Course in Erlangen, Germany


Five-day short course on the fundamentals of continuum, atomistic and multiscale modeling of materials.


Prof. Ellad B. Tadmor(U. Minnesota, USA) andProf. Ronald E. Miller(Carleton University, Canada).


Friedrich-Alexander-Universität (FAU), Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany

Theocharis's picture

4th IIMEC Summer School on Computational Materials Science Across Scales

On behalf of the International Institute for Multifunctional Materials for Energy Conversion (IIMEC) and the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at Texas A&M, we would like to announce the4th Summer SchoolonComputational Materials Science Across Scales. The 2015 IIMEC Summer School will be held from July 20–31, 2015 on the Texas A&M University campus in College Station, Texas.

Vladislav Yastrebov's picture

New Master's program "DESIGN des MATÉRIAUX et des STRUCTURES" at MINES ParisTech (in French)

The Centre for Material Sciences (MINES ParisTech) opens a new master program (450h of courses + internship in the industry). The majority of courses are tought in French, so this program might interest french students finishing their master courses this summer (2015) or french-speaking foreign students holding a degree equivalent to the french master. We are looking for motivated candidates!


== In French ==

Zhigang Suo's picture

A state of stress is a linear map

A state of stress in a body. Components of stress. Subject to a load, a body develops internal forces. The distribution of the internal forces in the body is usually inhomogeneous. For example, when a rod is bent, part of the rod is in tension, and the other part of the rod is in compression.

If the internal forces are uniformly distributed in the body, the body is said to be in a homogeneous state of stress. For brevity, we often say a state of stress, or just stress.

Raimy Haidar's picture

Vibration analysis of multi storey building

Hai, currently im trying to analyse multi storey masonry building using ABAQUS with the input of vibration dynamic data (Vibration dynamical building performance), is there any possibility to import the vibration data of ".txt" file or must be input manually ?'s picture

Summer School on Fatigue and Damage Mechanics of Composite Materials

Dear Colleagues,

we are glad to present theSummer School on Fatigue and Damage Mechanics of Composite Materials (13 . 17 July 2015)and theShort Course on Experimental Techniques and Testing of Composite Materials (9 . 10 July 2015)organized by and to be held at The Department of Management and Engineering - University of Padova in Vicenza - Italy.

How to implement GTN Damge Model in Abaqus

Dear Friends,

I have to know how to implement a GTN Damage model in Abaqus. Is there any Examples or Tutorials to learn this technique. Can anyone possible to solve my problem.

I trying implement this Damage model for the axisymmetric Model. I have uploaded for your reference.

flexural vibration beam+ponctual mass

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Hello everyone,

I modelleda slender beam (an Euler-Bernoulli beam)in flexural vibrationin Abaqus in order to do a natrural frequencies extraction. And, then i wanned to analyse the impact of a concentrated mass in its end. but for the first mode, i obtained a result understandable but not for the following modes which i verified analytically. the viewport of this fundamental mode can be found as a file attachement.

Could you please give me an explanation. And Thank you very much for your help


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