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为什么要加入我们?石溪大学是一所备受尊敬的研究型公立学校(SUNY系统),位于长岛,距离海洋约1英里,距离纽约市仅约1小时路程。 The University has a strong legacy in Mathematics and Physics, and it manages the Brookhaven National Laboratory. The College of Engineering and Applied Sciences is rapidly-expanding. Our Civil Engineering Department, in particular, is relatively-new and unbound by tradition, with a strong core of motivated young faculty looking to re-define civil engineering research and, in my specific case, to explore unprecedented structural solutions.

For more information, please contact me (Paolo Celli, Assistant Professor) at paolo.celli@stonybrook.edu, specifying why you are interested in the position. It would really help if you could also send me your Resume/CV with names and contact information of 2/3 references.

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