iMechanica - deactivation // en bug on deactivate the crack propagation capability? //

Could anyone please help on how to deactivate the crack propagation capability?

Following section 10.7.1 in the User Guide of 6.13, the crack propagation capability can be deactivated in some step. But I tried it in a very simple example through CAE and input file, it does not work.

Particularly, the problems are

1. I followed the steps in section 10.7.1 of the User Guide of 6.13 to create the deactivation/activation, the Int-1 in the Interaction module. Submit the job in CAE. The results show that the deactivation is not be considered in the simulation. And also the input file gerndoes not include any information about the Int-1.

2. I manually insert the following line into the input files at line 334. But it does not work, too.


Please find the CAE and input files can be downlaod from

I really appreciate your help. Thank you very much.

Best wishes,


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Mon, 13 Apr 2015 16:13:05 +0000 王磊 18174年https://ime万博manbetx平台 // //