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nonlinear finite element formulations

maharshi.kintada's picture

What modifications are to be implemented, if the shear strain of a degenerated shell element is modified with (-2*w/Rxy)?

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我已经实现由Ahm退化壳单元ad et. al (1970). This element performs very poor in case of geometries like rectangular hyperbolic paraboloidal shells. When I modified the strain vector (only shear strain) with a additional -2*w/Rxy (Sahoo and Chakraborty, J. Strain Analysis (2004)), the solutions are not ok. Can you please suggest me if any other things I should be careful?

rameshgupta's picture

ICNAAM 2014; Symposium on "Analysis and Design of Multi Functional Composite Structures"

Call for Papers

On behalf of organizing committee, it gives us immense pleasure to invite you, your co-workers and students to the Symposium on Analysis and Design of Multi-Functional Composite Structures as part of the 12th International Conference of Numerical Analysis and Applied Methematics (ICNAAM 2014) to be held at Rodos Palace, Rhodes, Greece, between 22--28 September 2014.

Symposium Synopsis

Please suggest good books for nonlinear FEM and mechanics of composite materials



For my project I need to learn nonlinear finite element method (FEM) and composite materials. I am familier with linear FEM. Please suggest me good book for nonlinear FEM which will have good explanation of the subject. Also, please suggest book on composite materials especially having lot of solved examples. I know there are lots of experts in this subject on imechanica, so please give me some suggestions. Thanks.


large deformation of beam element


my name is mohamad. I am phd student in mechanical engineering. I want to use of total lagrangian formulation for analysis of a cantilever. my difficulty is on implementation of newton raphson method and incrementing load. my code does not converge. can you help me. if there is a simple code I was wondering if someone aware me.

thanks in advance.

binoddhakal's picture

PhDs and Post-doctorate Research Positions in Shape Memory Alloys


are several immediate openings of research-oriented Phds and Post-Doc positions, in the
department of civil engineering, the University of Akron (UA). Please see tha attached file for datails.

Help me through please!- Need Guidance!

Dear All,

I am a Masters Student in Material Science, I am supposed to do the Finite

Element modeling of PTFE material with few content of short carbon fibers. Could any of you please suggest the best,

1.Modeling method, its

2.Material parameters and

3.References of that best modeling method.

Would be really thankful and would be helpful for my studies as well.


Raghu Raman Rajagopal


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