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GEBT, a general-purpose composite beam solver

Wenbin Yu's picture

Dear All,

I am writing to introduce to you a general-purpose composite beam solver,GEBT, which can capture all the geometrical nonlinearity obtainable by the six fundamental deformation modes (extension, torsion, bending in two directions, and shearing in two directions), and the coupling between these fundamental deformantion modes, such as extension-twist coupling commonly existing in initially twisted rotorblades. The features ofGEBTare:

1. GEBT can analyze any structure which can be modeled as an assembly of beams made of arbitrary material and arbitrarily oriented in the 3D space.

2. GEBT can handle initially twisted/curved beams such as helical springs, curved bridges or twisted blades.

3. GEBT can capture the coupled deformation between all the six fundamental deformation modes of a beam.

4.本·GEBT能够预测所有需要的工程avior including linear/nonlinear statics, linear/nonlinear dynamics, linear/nonlinear eigenvalue analysis.

5. GEBT can automatically calculate the sensitivities of global behavior with respect to design parameters which is a neat feature for designers.

The code can be freely requested, along with more details.


Wenbin Yu's picture

As requested by many users, I have made the code including both executable
and source codes completely free. You can download the code including its source from

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