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Simulation of single pass rolling through ABAQUS.

Manoj Krishna Majumder's picture

I am doing a single stand rolling simulation through ABAQUS. Genearally in all the example input files provided in the abaqus help use analytical rigid surface as rolls . But since I am using grooved roll so using solid roll with a hole at the center of the roll . Now tungesten carbide elastic properties (E=450gpa mu=0.24) are being set for roll material. While steel properties both for elastic and platic roperties with strain rate are mentioned for stock. The contact between the roll and the stock is mentioned by friction through penalty coefficient. the roll is kinematically coupled with a referance point which is lying on the roll axis. The stock is given a motion in the rolling direction as predefined field and the corrosponding angular velocity is mentioned for roll as initial boundary conditions. All DOF are restricted except rotation about the roll axis for referance point about which the roll is being kinematically coupled.

But after simulation I found that even though the elastic properties of the roll is tough enough compared to stock but the roll experience stress instead of stock. Besides the roll instead of rotation actually experience expansion/compression.

I have used adaptive mesh control and mass scaling for stock.

Can any one suggest some correction in the model so that I can really do the smulation.

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