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Extended Deadline: XFEM2011 ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Partition of Unity Enrichment and Applications Cardiff, Wales, UK

Dear colleagues,

The deadline for the registration and submission of one page abstracts has been extended to the 21st February 2011.

XFEM 2011 is one of the successful series of
ECCOMAS thematic events.
XFEM 2011 is a medium-size conference
with a balanced participation covering both the theoretical aspects of the subject and engineering applications.


The eXtended Finite Element Method (XFEM) along with the
Generalized Finite Element Method (GFEM), hp clouds and enriched
meshfree methods belong to the class of Partition of Unity Methods
(PUM).This class of methods has played an increasingly important role to
simulate various phenomena in Engineering and Science.

The principal feature of these methods is the ability to add,
locally, a priori knowledge about the solution to the approximation
space. This enrichment allows to capture particular features such as
不连续和奇异性出现在年代olution exactly. XFEM
in particular has been used successfully to solve crack initiation and
propagation problems, multi-material systems, fluid flow with boundary
layers, combustion problems, fluid structure interaction, growth of
hydrogels and biofilms among others, with minimal meshing and remeshing
of the moving boundaries involved.

Conference Topics

Over the years, research has refined the initial version of the method
and one can identify the following salient topics under particularly
intensive study:

  • Solid and Fracture Mechanics
  • Structural Optimization
  • Fluid-structure interaction, multi-fluid, free-surface flow
  • Multi-field problems
  • Mathematical aspects: preconditioners, convergence, numerical
    integration, application of boundary conditions on moving interfaces,
  • A priori/posteriori error estimation, adaptive schemes, hierarchical methods
  • Coupling with advanced mesh generation methods
  • Multiscale problems
  • Parallelization of XFEM and level set algorithms, real-time simulations
  • Enriched meshfree methods
  • Identification: extended digital image correlation

Call for Papers

Instructions for Authors.-->

Contributors to the field are invited to submit original research
contributions in the area of partition of unity enrichment for finite
element and related methods.

Papers by PhD students will be considered separately within the Best
PhD Paper Competition organized within the conference. These will be
judged based on the abstract as well as the presentation provided on the
day of the conference by the Scientific Committee. A webpage will be
dedicated to the results of this competition.

The deadline for registration and submission of an abstract can be found in theimportant dates section. Instructions for authors are availablehere.

Please contact Stephane Bordas for more details,



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