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Self-introduction of Ling Zhu for Fracture Mechanics

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My name is Ling Zhu and I am currently a PhD student in Mechanical Engineering of University of Nebraska Lincoln. I got my bachelor degree in Civil Engineering from Nanjing University of Science and Technology, China and master degree in Engineering Mechanics from Zhejiang University, China. The research group I am now in is called Midwest Roadside Safety Facility ( ) and I am doing the research of simulation of material failure. We are using nonlinear FE software LS-DYNA to simulate the design before performing real-life physical test to reduce the cost.

I have taken Continuum Mechanics and know some basic Elasticity. I am taking this course (Fracture Mechanics) to understand how fracture mechanics deals with the material’s failure and hope it can inspire a new thought into me during material failure simulation. For this course, my weakness might be the poor Elasticity background, but it might be helpful to understand the course since I can relate the theory from the class to the real life problem that we’ve met during design/research.

Anyway, taking fracture mechanics can definitely broaden my view in research and it is a very practical course since fracture is a common phenomenon in industry.

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