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The letter to curious reader

The letter to curious reader


Dear Curious reader!

Of course, the specialists on hydromechanics - scientists, engineers - read a Web-journal of the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences of Harvard University. You are surprising why they keep silent. Let us think together.

A remarkable physical phenomenon - the shock waves - already long ago had entered in the number of the broadly used in a technics the powerful tools of an industrial production: it is explosive breaking off of minerals, building reservoirs and canals, cutting metallic constructions (in particular, submarine), strengthening of machine details on a surface, welding by explosion, and many other; the considerable efforts had been made to resolving the problems of produsing synthetic materials and initiating thermonuclear reaction by shock waves.

Here is very important circumstamce: as elaboration of technology of any industrial production or physical experiment as comprehending theirs results, are carried out by proceeding from the accessible for the elaborators at present the notions about of physical essence of the process - that is from theirs contemporary theory of that physical phenomenon. When a theory is not satisfactory, it leads to the false results.

A thermonuclear reaction is practically the inexhaustible source of the energy. To make it accessible for industrial utilization - it signifies to resolve one from the most actual problems of the present. Only in USA and USSR (at a later date - Russia) for the last half of century on the search of its resolve already had been expended many decades billions dollars.

Using for that the shock waves is on principle the most simple way to resolve of this problem (in the hydrogen bomb it is realized practically). For the industrial utilization the problem reduce to a decrease ( on many orders) of the scale of process. One would think, there must not be the obstacles for it. But here, the experimenters struggle with that problem already decades of the years, but it is no clear of the desirable results.

And then "from the gloom of an uncertainty" came a "voice":

"Respectables! You struggle on the empty place! You plan yours investigations and grasp the meaning of its results by proceed from the notions which have not the direct attitude to the real investigated process. The real process which you attempt to realize is undivided from the special physical phenomenon - the shock heat transference (or "shock heat exchange"), which had been discovered yet many years ago, but which you all unanimously ignore. You don't realize the conditions in which that phenomenon is carried out, - and as a result of that, in yours experiments are realizing not the shock waves, upon the "work" of which you reckon (in a conditions of majority yours experiments the existence of shock waves is forbided by the second principle of thermodynamics), but only the ordinary continuous waves, the effect from which is quite another".

What have to do here the principal personages of this drama? So many years of trouble and labour; so many forces and means had been expended - and now...?

Exit - as simple as genial - was found: "That was not! Any "voices" were not; any new discoveries were not! All is quielty, calmly and as before. It must only keep silent, do not respond on any unwarranted innovations. And, of course, - at the first turn! - do not accept any "voices" to the widely read authoritative journals with a solid reputation. And if even such "voice" will burst open on some web-forum, - never mind! We will have patience and will keep silent; it may be, after a time it all will calm down".

It is very efficient politics, isn't it? Exactly such situation also forms in the problem about a ways of obtaining the synthetic diamonds, and some another questions of the practical using the shock waves.

但更多的威胁that. Already many years into the students (the future engineers) heads drum the notions which are contradicting to both - as to the first as to the second - principles of thermodynamics. In fact, they are crippled. What for?

Sincerely L. G. Philippenko



表达的语句”的严格的证明voice" had been quoted in the article "The Shock Heat Transference", which had been offered by author to the web-journal " Journal on Shock Waves (An International Journal on Shock Waves, Detonations and Explosions) " in the middle of 2007 year. The publisher's memorandum of this journal was: "....Mission: To promote international and interdisciplinary collaboration in all areas of shock wave research...; .... To promote shock wave research in all its forms; ...To encourage publication in an appropriate journal and promote it as the principal journal for communication of shock wave researchs...". And here soon already will be two years as author can not receive any answer on his requests about of the destiny of his paper; the answer on request about of possibility to publish a preprint of this article on author's blog in iMechanica also was not received.

The discovery of the shock heat transference had been fixated in the author's article in 1977 year in Ukraine's journal. The English text of this article: "The consequences from the Hugoniot equation" was placed on the author's site ""in 2006 yaer in the hosting "Yahoo! GeoSities". Jist now that site had been finished. Now this article is placed




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on the author's
site "Shock Heat Transference"at URL :

. In 1992 year in Ukraine had been published the author's monograph: L.G.Philippenko."Strong Shock Waves in the Continuous Bodies", in which the many theoretical and applied problems of the real - with the shock heat transference - shock waves had been stated with the full and strict proofs (after of the publication the monograph had essentially been complited and corrected by author ).

L. G. Ph.

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