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What is the Difference betweeen Stress and Pressure?

Stress is the property of the body under loads. It is defined as a sort of reaction produced by the molecules of the body under some action which tends to produce some deformation. this intensity of these additional forces produced per unit area is known as stress.

Pressure is defined as force per unit area applied to an object in a direction perpendicular to the surface.

Is it fine?

whenever I justify with these terminology people doesnot satisfy with these answer, they always what else

Please help me out


I find these definitions very clear and easy to understand. I thank you for these and I will be sure to use them myself if any students ask me to try and clearify this, although so far i have never got that question, even though i've taught quite a few courses where concepts of stress has been introduced. Looking back, i'm surprised I noone ever asked that question, but i'm sure there have been many who haven't fully grasped it at an intuitive level.

"whenever I justify with these terminology peopledoesnotsatisfy with these answer, they always what else Please help me out"

I agree withMikeal, and find yourdefinitionsclear enough too. But maybe the people, whom you are talking about understand "stress" and "pressure" in an other contextlike forexample inpsychology. It'sdifficultto make a person who isunder stress and pressureaccept that "stress" or "pressure" is force per unit area, let alone thediscussionabout directions. :-).

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