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Abaqus/Explicit VUMAT tensor components ordering

Hello everyone,

I am coding a VUMAT for Abaqus/Explicit. I was wondering if the tensor components ordering was ALWAYS different from the one used in ABAQUS/Implicit, or if the special ordering was valid only for the C3D8R element.

In the ABAQUS use subroutines manual Section 1.2.5 the header says the special ordering is used for the C3D8R element, but in the ABAQUS Analysis User's manual section 5.1.2 it is written that the special ordering is used in the VUMAT without any special element specification, so I assume this is applicable to ALL 3D elements of Abaqus/Explicit.

For reminder, the usual ordering for symmetric tensors (used in implici) is 11, 22, 33, 12, 13, 23.

The unusual ordering is 11, 22, 33, 12, 23, 13.

Can someone give me a hint?



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