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5th International Conference on Computational Contact Mechanics

Mike Ciavarella's picture

Notice that thedeadline for abstract submission has been extended to:March 17, 2017.

5-7 July 2017 / Lecce, Italy

The aim of the Conference is to provide an international forum for researchers, practitioners and for all the scientists who are concerned with modern computational techniques and applications in the field of Contact Mechanics. Distinguished colleagues have already agreed to give a Keynote Lecture.

Further information can be found at:

Hoping to meet you in Lecce, best regards

Giorgio Zavarise

Peter Wriggers


Giorgio Zavarise

Chair of Structural Mechanics

Chairman of the Conference ICCCM 2017

Chairman of the Conference CMIS 2018

Università del Salento - Dept. of Engineering for Innovation

Via per Monteroni, edificio “La Stecca” - 73100 Lecce

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