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社会工程Science - 2018 Medal and Fellow Nominations

The Society of Engineering Science oversees several awards and honors to members and eminent scholars of the field. A total of five medals are offered on an annual basis as well as election to Fellow grade of the Society.

Please visit the website detailed information and electronic versions of the nomination forms.For further information contact Thomas Siegmund (年代

SES Fellows Nominations

Nominations for election to SES Fellow should be accompanied by three (3) letters of reference. Submit the following nomination form together with your nomination materials and complete set of reference letters as one (1) pdf file deadline for submitting nominations is September 1, 2017.

SES Medals Nominations

Nominations for the A. Cemal Eringen, Engineering Science, William Prager, James R. Rice and G. I. Taylor medals should be accompanied by five (5) letters of reference, and for the SES Young Investigator Medal by three (3) letters of reference. Submit the following nomination form together with your nomination materials and complete set of reference letters as one (1) pdf file deadline for submitting nominations is September 1, 2017.


Fellow of SES: A fellow shall be an individual who is distinguished in some field in which the Society has interest, who has been a Regular or Life Member of the Society for at least five years, and whose contributions to the Society and the technical community have justified this honor.

A.C. Eringen Medal: The prize is in the form of a medal, the A. C. Eringen Medal, and an award of $2000. The recipient will deliver the Engineering Science Lecture at the annual meeting of the Society. The prize is awarded in recognition of sustained outstanding achievements in Engineering Science. The recipient need not be a member of the Society, but becomes a lifetime member upon receipt of the medal.

Engineering Science Medal: The prize is in the form of a medal, the Engineering Science Medal, and an award of $2000. The prize is awarded in recognition of a singularly important contribution to Engineering Science. The recipient may be invited by the Board of Directors to deliver the Engineering Science Lecture at the annual meeting of the Society. The recipient need not be a member of the Society, but becomes a lifetime member upon receipt of the medal.

William Prager Medal: The prize is in the form of a medal, the William Prager Medal, bearing the likeness of the person for whom the award is named and a monetary award of $2000. The prize is awarded for outstanding research contributions in either theoretical or experimental Solid Mechanics or both. The recipient is invited to give an address at the annual meeting of the society. The recipient need not be a member of the Society, but becomes a lifetime member upon receipt of the medal.

G.I. Taylor Medal: The prize is in the form of a medal, the G.I. Taylor Medal, bearing the likeness of the person for whom the award is named and a monetary award of $2000. The prize is awarded for outstanding research contributions in either theoretical or experimental Fluid Mechanics or both. The recipient is invited to give an address at the annual meeting of the society. The recipient need not be a member of the Society, but becomes a lifetime member upon receipt of the medal.

SES Young Investigator Medal: The prize is in the form of a medal, the Society of Engineering Science Young Investigator Medal, and an award of $1000. The prize is awarded to a promising early-career researcher whose work has already had an impact in his/her field within the engineering sciences. Eligible candidates must have received their PhD or equivalent degree in the last 10 years at the time of the nomination deadline. Exceptions, at the discretion of the SES board of directors and on a case-by-case basis, may be made for researchers who have encountered a significant career disruption.

James R. Rice Medal:The prize is in the form of a medal, the Society of Engineering Science James R. Rice Medal, and an award of $1500. The prize is awarded to a mid-career researcher in the field of engineering sciences who has had a substantial impact in his/her field. At the time of the nomination, eligible candidates must be within 10-25 years of earning their PhD or equivalent degree. Exceptions may be made, at the discretion of the SES board of directors and on a case-by-case basis, for researchers who have made notable contributions despite encountering a significant career disruption. The recipient need not be a member of the Society, but becomes a lifetime member upon receipt of the medal.

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