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Postdoctoral Research Associate at UPenn : Finite Element Simulations of Cell-Matrix Interactions in Micro-tissues

Dibakar Datta's picture

A postdoctoral position with primary focus on tissue mechanics is available immediately in theShenoy Research Groupat theUniversity of Pennsylvania. We are looking for a strongly motivated candidate to work on an NIH supported project on the interactions of cells in 3D micro tissues mediated by extracellular matrices using analytical and finite element methods (for example,H. Wang et. al, PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES, 110(52): 20 923-20928 NOVEMBER 2013).

The ideal candidate will have a background in solid mechanics with expertise in finite element simulations, in particular numerical implementation of non-linear material models. This individual will have the opportunity to be directly involved in complimentary experimental investigations in the medical school at UPenn and our collaborators elsewhere.

Candidates should send their CV with names of three references toProf.Vivek Shenoy(vshenoy [AT]

If you have any question regarding this position and/or about Prof. Shenoy's group activities, please feel free to contact me at :dibakar_datta [AT]

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