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How to calculate Impedance (Electrical output variables) in a basic Piezoelectric modelling

Hello All,

I am a relatively new user to Abaqus. I am working on piezoelectric steady state dynamic analysis of a transducer. Currently I only have a cuboid piezo transducer. My main aim now is to get the Impedance values for a given input voltage. I am exciting the transducer at a frequency of 1 kHz. I would use the relation of Z = Input voltage / Output current.

I apply Potential difference of 60 V as Boundary conditions between the top and bottom surfaces and want to get the electrical current density as field output ( ECD, ECDA, ECDTA ....)
But I am only able to get Nodal charges ( RCHG) as output variable. I get error message that ECD is not available for this type of analysis.

I researched and read in the documentation that ECD is only available for Elctromagnetic analysis while mine is a basic standard model. So could anyone suggest me please how to get the required current values or total charge values to calculate the impedance. OR if anyone who has already done similar problem could guide me further. Any suggestions are welcome. Thanks :)


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