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Positions for PhD students and postdoctoral researchers

moorekwesi's picture

Positions for PhD students and postdoctoral researchers
at the Institute of Applied Geometry, JKU, Linz, Austria

The Institute of Applied Geometry at Johannes Kepler University
( has vacant positions for PhD students and
postdoctoral researchers. Applicants should possess a background
in geometric modeling, computational geometry or numerical analysis.

- Position for PhD students are typically for 3 years, while
positions for postdoctoral researchers are for 1-2 years.

- The position for PhD students is available in the frame of
the Doctoral Programme "DK Computational Mathematics"
(funded by the Austrian Science Fund,

- The positions for postdoctoral researchers are availablein the frame of the European project EXAMPLE (
and within the National Research Network "NFN Geometry + Simulation"
(funded by the Austrian Science Fund,

- The remunerations comply with the salary scheme of the
Austrian Science Fund which is described at

- For further information please contact Professor Bert Jüttler,
preferably by email

Applications (CV, a letter/email describing your motivation,
name of one or two references) should be sent to
Professor Bert Juettler,

Johannes Kepler University is an equal opportunities employer

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