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Reminder (Deadline, Dec 5th): Call for Nominations for the Eshelby Mechanics Award for Young Faculty

Pradeep Sharma's picture

It is my pleasure to solicit nominations for the "Eshelby Mechanics Award for Young Faculty". This award, launched in 2012, is given annually to rapidly emerging junior faculty who exemplify the creative use and development of mechanics. The intent of the award is to promote the field of mechanics, especially among young researchers. While interdisciplinary work that bridges mechanics with physics, chemistry, biology and other disciplines is encouraged, the ideal awardee will demonstrate clear inspiration from mechanics in his/her research.

The award will consist of $ 1500 cash and a commemorative plaque. The awardees are formally recognized at the annual Applied Mechanics Division Banquet at the ASME-IMECE meeting.

Eligibility: The nominee must be below the age of forty and in a tenured or tenure-track faculty position or an independent researcher in a national laboratory. Exceptions to the age limitation may be made for both men and women that have taken career breaks for family reasons or have had a late entry into their independent research careers.

Nomination and Selection: The nominator should fill the attached form and in addition to his/her own letter, attach recommendation letters from two other researchers. The remainder of the nomination package will simply consist of the nominee's detailed curriculum vitae. The entire package should be emailed as a single pdf topsharma@uh.eduby December 5th of every year. Nominations and recommendations letters from PhD and Post-Doctoral advisors are discouraged. Like in the past two years, the selection committee for this year will consist of: K. Ravi-chandar (UT Austin), Huajian Gao (Brown University), Kaushik Bhattacharya (Caltech), Roger Fosdick (Minnesota University), and Yonggang Huang (Northwestern University).

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