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Postdoc position in computational mechanics at the ME Department, Johns Hopkins University

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Description:Postdoc position in computational biomechanics in the Mechanical Engineering Department at Johns Hopkins University

We are seeking a postdoctoral candidate starting as soon as possible for computational modeling of blast trauma to ocular tissues and soft tissues in general.The incidence of ocular blast trauma has increased in recent engagements because of the increase prevalence of IED.Our goal is to employ a computational biomechanics approach to study the injury mechanisms of primary blast trauma caused by the blast overpressure, the effectiveness of protective equipment in mitigating the blast loading on the eye.The primary duty of the position is developing computational studies of the fluid-structure interaction of the blast wave with ocular structures and the propagation of the blast wave through soft tissues. The goal is to study the effects of tissue properties, structure, and microstructure on deformations and stresses to key ocular components, and how these mechanical outcomes translate to injury risk. Additional duties include communicating research findings in reports, journal publications, and conferences.The post-doctoral fellow will also have opportunities to design and conduct experiments using a new shock tube instrument with high-speed 3D-DIC capabilities developed for soft tissues testing.


The candidate is required to have a Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering or a related field and experience in computational modeling.Additional experience in code development for FEA and fluid-structure interaction, and in experimental biomechanics and injury biomechanics is desirable.


Prof. Thao (Vicky) Nguyen

The Johns Hopkins University

Department of Mechanical Engineering

3400 N. Charles Street

Baltimore, MD 21218

To apply, please e-mail a complete curriculum vitae, a representative publication, and the names and addresses of two references to the above contact.


Dear Dr Nguyen,

I just finished my PhD defense this month and I'm interested in this job. If this position is still available, I'd like to resend you my CV and other materials.

Best Regards,


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