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Graeme Milton to be awarded the 2007 Prager Medal

教授Graeme Miltonwill be awarded the 2007Prager medalfrom theSociety of Engineering Sciencefor his work on solid mechanics. The medal will be handed out at the44th Annual Technical Meeting of the Society of Engineering Science (SES2007)to be held between October 21 and 24, 2007 at College Station, Texas.

Graeme Milton

教授Milton has done pioneering work on rigorous bounds and homogenization of solid composites, cross property correlations, and more recently on cloaking in elasticity and electromagnetism. There will be aGraeme Milton symposiumin SES 2007 where several aspects of Professor Milton's work will be discussed. Professor Milton is also the recipient of several awards including the 2003Ralph E. Kleinman Prizefrom SIAM for hiscontributions in bridging mathematics and applications.

Past recipients of the Prager medal:

1983:D. C. Drucker
1986:Rodney J. Clifton
1988:James R. Rice
1989:Richard M. Christensen
1991:John W. Hutchinson
1994:George J. Dvorak
1996:Zdenek P. Bazant
1998:John R. Willis
1999:K. L. Johnson
2000:L. B. Freund
2001:Jan D. Achenbach
2002:Sia Nemat-Nasser
2004:Salvatore Torquato
2006:Alan Needleman

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