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Open Level Faculty Position in Mechanical Engineering - UC Santa Barbara


Faculty Position

Mechanical Engineering

College of Engineering

University of California, Santa Barbara

The Department of Mechanical Engineering invites applications for an open level, tenured or tenure-track position in all core areas of Mechanical Engineering, with preference for Solid Mechanics, Materials, and Structures (SMMS), Thermal Fluids (TFS), and Systems Biology (SYSB). Requirements are a Ph.D. or equivalent degree in Mechanical Engineering or a related field, and a demonstrated excellence at, or exceptional promise in, research and teaching. The Department seeks individuals who will set the agenda in their field of study, excel in undergraduate and graduate education, and exhibit leadership in multi-disciplinary collaborations.

Applications must be submitted electronically at:

Application requirements include a letter briefly outlining career plans, a statement of research, a statement of teaching, a curriculum vitae, and names and contact information for 3 references.Preference will be given to applications received by December 1st, 2013, but the position will remain open until filled.The Department is especially interested in candidates who can contribute to the diversity and excellence of the academic community through research, teaching, and service.The University of California is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer

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