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Helmholtz resonator for gas turbine burner" --- group from Politecnico di BARI gets prestigeous prize from industry

Mike Ciavarella's picture

A group at Politecnico di BARI, led by Dr. Giovanni Campa and Prof. Sergio Camporeale,were awarded thehonorsof the "Finmeccanica Innovation Award",established in 2004 todevelopnewideasand technology projectsdevelopedby employeesof the Finmeccanica Group.The award isofinternational concern because itiscurrentlythe main sourceof patents forFinmeccanicaand over the yearshe has collected22,000innovative proposalsthathave given riseto more than 7,500projects, transformedlater inpatent applications.The latestedition of the awardsaw the participationof 1,000projects,of which601presentedby employeesand 399Italiancolleaguesof theGroup's foreign offices.

Giovanni Campa
Among thecompanies awardedAnsaldo Energiais, for the presentationof the projectentitled "Helmholtzresonatorforgas turbineburner"for the following reasons:The proposed technologyis based on theplacement ofresonant cavities, calledjustHelmholtz resonators, all 'interiorof burners forgas turbines,whichthus becomemore efficient,sustainable and flexibleinoperational terms.

You can find lots of links to our excellent student Giovanni Campa at

Also, if you look at this video (from minute 4 to 6°), you see the official ceremony:

Congratulations to Giovanni and Sergio!

Michele Ciavarella

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