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Meshing with UEL/UMAT element

Hello All,

Does anyone have any idea how to automate meshing using USER DEFINED ELEMENTS (for Example UEL) in Abaqus using python. Actually I need to mesh an arbitrary shaped structure with 9-Node Quadrilateral Element. Abaqus doesn't support meshing of 9 Node Quad Element (S9R) either.

One idea would be to generate mesh with 8 Node Quad Element (S8R) and then interpolate the 9th node. Do file handling operations in Abaqus python to modify the input file for 9 Node Quad element. Is there any other better workaround for this? I am sure many would have come accross this situation of meshing of UEL element.

Any advise/help is greatly appreciated !

Thanks and Regards,



Actually I have two questions!

1. How to automate meshing for UEL? Abaqus doesn't support this at all. How are all the User defined element developers meshing the complex structure and generating Input file? Are there any external softwares available to do so?

2. Abaqus doesn't support Meshing of 9-Node Quad Element.I tried editing the element type to S9R and M3D9R in the macro generated
after meshing with S8R and M3D8R elements (Gui doesn't have S9R and
I get "global error". How to mesh 9-Node quad element in Abaqus?

Thanks and Regards,


I see that there are lot of people reading this question and nobody answering.

I finally wrote a python script to mesh the structure with S8R element and finally interapolated the 9th Node for each of the element. It is definately not the best solution but it works though.

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