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Ansys Problem


I am
working on a model on Ansys for joining two dissimilar materials. I
70年选择元素类型固体。这个问题是一个ppears after I glued
the two materials using the volume glue command, then while meshing the
the volumes an error message appears(invalid topology for mapped
brick mesh).

The question is how can I glue these two materials and mesh them with mapped meshing command without problems.

Thank you


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Use the book "ANSYS 11 for Engieers" by Shaum Tickoo of Dream Tech Publication. you will find answer for Mapped Meshing and to ur problem also.

Thank you vrey much for your valuable advice, i downloaded CH1, CH5 & CH11 of this books and they are realy good. If you have the links for other chapters please send them to me and i will be very greatfull.

Hi friends,

I want to pursue my education in applied mathematics as a PhD student. However, I do not have a research topic. In MSc period, I have done a project in applying the WKB method to solve an eigenvalue problem which arise in the buckling of cylindrical shell made of Varga. I took courses like continuum mechanics, perturbation methods, and numerical analysis.

Could you please help me to define a research project about applying the perturbation methods to solve some problems in solid mechanics.

Thank you very much

Hamed farzi's picture

hi dear ,I try to modeling and analysing a coating material prototype by use of the Ansys Ls-Dyna, hence I use of the pin on the disc modeling and I choose pin as a rigid material.

For sub material I use of the sub metal with the coating material, but I don't know rotating pin on the disc which command of Edload is suitable, because how much I try, just I can stimulation translate only a small sector of pin on the disc. Could you help me please.

Hello dears,

I would like any body here to guide me how to solv this small mistake in ANSYS. this is when I do modal analysis of reinforced concrete plate the natural frequencies of the plates are shown blow.


1 0.0000 1 1 1

2 0.0000 1 2 2

3 0.0000 1 3 3

4 0.0000 1 4 4

5 0.49150E-04 1 5 5

6 0.12931E-03 1 6 6

7 138.32 1 7 7

8 148.95 1 8 8

9 318.44 1 9 9

10 337.85 1 10 10

11 405.90 1 11 11

12 459.88 1 12 12

the wrong thing is why the six first mode are shown here. the frequency from mode 7 138 to mode 12 are corect , but they should start from mode 1.

thank you in advance for your help in this matter.



Jayadeep U. B.'s picture

The first thing to look for is an insufficiently constrained model. Modes 5 & 6 may need further investigation.


ThanksJayadeep U. B.for your comment , but could you please tell me how to do that .and i donot want to show the first six modes. i will be very happy if i send to you and just have a look.


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